


2 years, 11 months ago



c353ccb8343a44c4a21bba6bf4c23631b4d0ee20Matti, Mateo
She/they, any

-Goofy frat boy with a pet fish in the nuclear post apocalypse enough said
-Too willing to take the fall (into the lake) for some friends (maybe pushed her out of the boat) and it got her swallowed by an enormous catfish living at the bottom of said lake. Spared one of the most pathetic ways to go out in an apocalyptic wasteland by the death god living inside the catfish, and she’s made it everyone‘s problem since then.
-Cue the foreboding empathic bond w Death Fish
-Hair leached of color since falling into the lake(drowning)(being eaten alive)Got sent to a different dimension and the roots of his hair started returning to black :) no fish though :(
-Town 3-in-1 surgeon/autopsist/undertaker with a license to practice medicine courtesy of being a freak of nature. Speculated to drop dead of radiation poisoning any day now but until then, by god my boy can set a bone.
-Terrible shot with a gun, says it’s a spatial awareness thing. <- true, it’s also a doesn’t like handling firearms thing
- Fully grey hair despite being like 22. Half lidded eyes and a slightly gap toothed grin. Chipped nail polish if they can get their hands on it. tattoos of busted interstate signs and other shit bc she let people practice tattoos on her for like, rations. Or maybe on a dare. She doesn't remember don't ask her it's embarrassing….
- Has a tattoo on their back of a massive, stylized and almost runic catfish that's a slightly different texture than the rest of their skin, slightly rougher.
-Pretty fucking stronk. Nice calves. soft tummy. This is what i know about her.
- Holds the door for you and gets stuck holding the door for everyone else and then cuts their losses at the wrong time. Accident prone. Apology prone.
- (Voice breaks)

-Retired Lvl. 4 Variant human death cleric
-Deeply disturbed by the idea of ghosts and anything paranormal for someone feeding cadavers to a malevolent ray-finned fish.
-Loyal like a dog.


Lake of Fire- Nirvana// Where do bad folks go when they die?
Down to the Bottom- Dorothy// She calls my name, out in the desert I pray for rain
Carnivore- Bear Attack!// You're nothing but a monster, and I was your prey, carnivore
Dorothy at Forty- Cursive// We're not the kids that we once were/ We can't be the adults we want to be
In the Pines- Nirvana// My girl, my girl, don't lie to me
Only Happy When it Rains- Garbage// My only comfort is the night gone black
Last Night On Earth- Murder By Death// And I knew I was on borrowed time
S.O.S. (Sawed Off Shotgun)- The Glorious Sons// They shut the lights off, they took the car, and I bought a sawed-off shotgun
hot girl bummer- blackbear// I hate your friends and they hate me too
Thank God for Girls- Weezer// And tender loving kisses on your stab wounds
Wallowa Lake Monster- Sufjan Stevens// She kept them hidden from the plague
Our Dork- The Garages// How could I save you when I couldn't save myself?

