


2 years, 11 months ago


Original backstory: Someone poisoned her heart a long time ago. Only the flower, shown on the spear, remains pure.

Her current backstory, which can be changed, is that, long ago, her  lover poisoned her heart in an attempt to bind her to him. What this  caused her to do was to kill him. There is a part of her heart that  remains pure; the part that loves the Earth around her, shown here by  the rose-hedge, rose on the spear, and the two roses on her clothing.  The black lines on her arms and face show the poison that stole her mind  from her. She doesn't seem to mind much, judging by that little smile  of hers. She also has some amount of control over the forces of the  darkness, which she uses to manipulate the hearts of evil people. So,  she has a twisted sense of justice. At least she has that.