


2 years, 11 months ago


Centella is a tempest cleric aasimar, daughter of Thunder, the BBEG of the campaign that's set in a cyberpunk setting. She fights to take him down and end his dream of becoming a God through a capitalist corporation and bringing back Sky, his father, to continue the war against mortals.

She started going by Centi after running away from home as a way to hide. (She's not very creative with names) 

Centi used to live in the Thunder corporation building, locked away in her own floor, she was taught by The Proctor, a being created by Thunder to embellish history and raise her to be the daughter he wanted her to be. With the help of Stena, her only friend and one of Thunder's many workers, and Belzhasshar, a divine being sent by her mother to help Centi find her, she finally managed to escape the building after many attempts.

Why did she want to escape? she finally learned the contracts her father used for his employees were terribly cruel, practically slavery, and she desperately wanted to find her mother.

Stena lead her to Genevieve, a dragonborn running a bar that works as a cover for an anarchist group, and Centi spent a good few years taking odd jobs from her to stay afloat, constantly on the run from Thunder's men until she finally managed to find a safe apartment. 

One of those jobs lead her to meet the party, Mythannae and Ictas, and after some exploits together Mythannae ended up basically adopting her. During their time together we learned that Centi was not Thunder's only child, but simply one of many, many others. His plan was to use them as living batteries to bring back Sky by turning them into black iron and adding them to his sanctum. Thankfully, Centi managed to escape before that, and so did her older brother, Relente.

Relente used to live in the apartment Centi eventually found, and he left it ready for her to find. After that, he disappeared.

We also learned that Centi's mother was not one, but a multitude. She was a Goddess by the name of The Dame of Masks, and was formed by many other small deities knows as Dames or Masks, each with their domain. Centi's real mother was the Radiant Dame, who had lost her power after the Mask of Purity, Gar'vraenn, stabbed her in the back and stole her mask to give to Solaralith. She was locked away by the Dame of Masks ever since, kept away from everything.

The Dame of Masks, much like Thunder, had Big Plans for Centella. Plans which she stubbornly refused, causing a rift between all the deities and earning the rage of the Dame of Blood, who the party had to fight after she killed those that opposed her. Eventually, Centi reunited with her mother and gave her a name, Cassiopea, and a chance for a new life. Cassiopea has been living with the anarchists since, sharing a room with Centi there, the Dames that survived meanwhile took a little trip in Centi's head until she left them at the safe apartment.

Solaralith wasn't done though, and had a part on killing a bunch of Dames and Masks while there was infighting, saving parts of them as trophies and using them to power a supercomputer called Ataraxia. 

In the course of all this, Mythannae had his own plans and switched places with Yxala, his sister, who had a contract with Thunder to capture the party. He locked himself away so the contract wouldn't be effective and waited for the fall of Thunder.

We dealt with Solaralith, her form corrupted and locked away in a small sphere, unable to die, and Yxala reconnected with her old partners, Urion and Relente, who had been microchipping everyone in town under Solaralith's orders and using Ataraxia to do so. They assured the party their plans were to help people, but Ataraxia understood that as Controlling them, and we just barely escaped from their laboratory deep underground with Relente's help. Unfortunately we couldn't take Urion as they're connected to the supercomputer and being deeply controlled by it.

And without a second to rest, Thunder started his bullshit once more, finally putting his plan into action. To deal with that, we had to go up to his office in the Thunder corp. building, which had been taken over by the black iron roots of his sanctum. On the way, we revisited Centi's old floor, and after some struggle there, Centi died.

Just briefly, but she died.

Mythannae, who had rejoined the party to deal the final blow to Thunder, thankfully managed to bring her back using the diamond she'd kept in her pocket for months in case anything like this happened. 

In that floor, we also discovered something new: a marble skinned baby named Púlsar. Thunder's new child, who was terribly similar to Solaralith.


other facts about Centi:

-loves weird food combinations

-gay gay homosexual gay

-Big Hammers are her weapon of choice

-can ride a bike (not legally)

-keeps her eyes covered with her halos unless she's around people she trusts or Very Angy