


6 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info






Capricorn/Aquarius cusp




Outwardly, Khati is a arrogant and coldhearted man. He is impassive, reclusive, distrustful, and intensely private. While capable of being emotional, Khati much prefers to maintain an aloof distance from the comings and goings of the world. Empathy is an almost entirely foreign concept. 

Khati is protective, often possessive, of the few he deems close enough to receive his trust. However, if his trust is broken it will likely never be regained. Khati does not forgive and he does not forget. Anyone who betrays him and seeks forgiveness will have to go through hell to regain even a semblance of courtesy. Whether a cause or effect of this behavior, Khati suffers from a sometimes debilitating fear of abandonment. His closest friends are treated to glimpses behind his fronts. He is intensely protective of the ones he cares about and will not hesitate to take blows for them. He would lay down his life for his closest companions, though this is not a well-known fact.

Khati is also a very vengeful person. Being harmed himself, or seeing one of his friends harmed, will carry violent or deadly consequences and he’s not afraid to be the one to enforce them. There is no such thing as "too far" when his closest ties are threatened. Remorse is for the weak.

He boasts several odd quirks, the least of which is his finely honed and powerful intuition. Insights he gains from it are rarely wrong. He is able at times to know things about whoever he meets that they do not tell him. It is rumored that he can sense lies, and as such it is a bad idea to lie to him. He is able to track certain people from a distance away, though this is limited to his closest ties. He is usually tied into the emotions of these select few as well and can sense if they are hurt or in danger.

There are certainly rumors of instability plaguing him, though they remain only rumors. Khati has been known to suffer infrequent bouts of paranoia, even psychosis. This is due to the well hidden bloodlust that plagues him constantly. It is something he has suffered with for most of his life. Years of succumbing to this warped him into a twisted and sadistic man, capable of killing ruthlessly and without remorse. Violence has almost always been a part of his life. He has developed his self-control to the point where he can keep from being a danger to others. His true self is only shown to those who wrong him or harm those he cares about. He is also very masochistic, when wounded he does not seem to feel pain. Only if his life is in danger will he retreat from a fight. Khati prizes his control and does his best to hide his outbursts, but mistakes happen, and even the strongest walls have been known to break.