
6 years, 9 months ago


Name: George

Species: Fox

Breed: Red Fox

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Personality: Happy, good, angry, insane (sometimes)

Likes: Cookies, his family, Ashley, running, eating healthy

Dislikes: Arguments, Strangers, mess, evil, laffy taffy, peanut butter

Lives: Action and Science Fiction World

Sexuality: Straight

Single or Taken: Taken by Rosie

Status: Alive

Born: June: 15, 1982

Interests: N/A

Bio: N/A

Family: Rosie (Wife), James (Son), Roy (Son), Mad (Son)

Friends: TBA

Enemies: TBA

Married to Rosie

Alignment: Good

Name: George


Species: Human


Age: 35


Gender: Male


Personality: Happy, good, angry, insane (sometimes)


Likes: Cookies, his family, Ashley, running, eating healthy


Dislikes: Arguments, Strangers, mess, evil, laffy taffy, peanut butter


Lives: Action and Science Fiction World


Sexuality: Straight


Single or Taken: Taken by Rosie


Status: Alive


Born: June: 15, 1982


Interests: N/A


Bio: N/A


Family: Rosie (Wife), James (Son), Roy (Son), Mad (Son)


Friends: TBA


Enemies: TBA


Married to Rosie


Alignment: Good