Bragi's Comments

Name: Bragi

Gender: Male

Personality: Bragi is a fun, outgoing viscet who thrives on laughter and smiling. He is often the one in the center of the attention and wins people over easily. His laughter is infectious and many viscets think of his as a light in the realm of Helheim. He often times plays one of his many instruments during dinners, lightening the mood even on the hardest of days. Given his attitude, you would have thought he was a minstrel in his previous life, but he was actually a criminal. Crazy to picture the bubbly Bragi without a smile on his face, let alone breaking into castles like a cat burglar. One could think of him like a viscet Robin Hood back in those days. He did steal from the rich, and often gave to the poor, while also making sure to save plenty for himself.

Place in your world: Bragi works under the command of Hel in Helheim. He was named after the god of music and poetry and has really lived up to his name. Often considered the complete opposite of his mate Iduna, Bragi works hard to make her happy and smile. He makes it so she doesn’t have to speak or feel nervous by taking all the attention off her. I suppose he probably adapted to her needs and realized that it really worked out for him. Iduna was the one who had saved him when he had been injured in his previous life, falling to a terrible infection that almost killed him. She healed him, falling in love with him in the meantime. In times of fighting, he is much better at gaining information and being stealthy, sneaking around the enemy, than out right fighting them. Some things really don’t change, as he was still skilled at gaining entry to even the most guarded of places, more than once even sneaking into the other underworlds just to see what they were like.