💜 Finn (Relationships)



Henri - Fight the academia astronomy friends!

Chitra - Siblings!

Eris - Mother figure

Walt - Favorite father

Shermyi - Absent father

Astronomer and star witch!

Finn's home life was a bit of a mess, to say it kindly. One of star fathers, Shermy, left star and stars dad, Walt, when star had just left stars cocoon. Walt was quickly absent, too worried about his own job. Still, Walt was the closet Finn had as a father figure, and Finn loved him as much. Shermy barely sent star one or two postcards, and nothing more. Walt's ex-partner, Eris, also took Finn under her wing, taking care of him when Walt was too busy. And Finn loves her as a mother. They also are very close to their sibling Chitra.

Finn is quite shy with those who they don't know. But once he warms up, he can be quite funny and talkative. He expends most of his time studying in Garnet's witch school. Finn has a talent for star magic, that is, to use stars to predict the future and use their power to use in some basic spells. In her free time, Finn also works as an astronomer, fighting the academy and their prejudice with nonbinary people and neo pronouns. She loves both of her main activities, being unable to chose between magic or astronomy. Star is usually very tired because of this, having almost no free time.