Baby Girl Dachshund's Comments


is she for trade?

yes she is PlushMare 

See anyone in my toyhouse? lilsenpai

or I could add some money

Also, lilsenpai is there a quicker way to get in touch with you 

I can now offer money! How much is the minimum? 

Sorry, Have been super busy at work, lots of doubles and no free time rip
you can get ahold of me quicker on Discord: lilsenpai#1657

would prefer a min of at least 100 but can talk about going lower since no one has been interested much in her and my last ab dropped off the face of the planet. I did look through your characters and I didn't really see anyone I was interested in, really picky and been dropping my character numbers instead of really adding. Was considering a clear out. thanks just let me know either here or on discord. Have a good day.

Replied! lilsenpai


is there a faster way to communicate?

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Yes she is still available. Starust 

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