Melancholy (Mel)



2 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Primary Domain

Belphegor (Sloth)

Secondary Domain





None (Snuffed)

Relationships (Romantic)


Relationships (Friends)

Griz, Lilith, Avery


Bartender, Musician

Special Interests

Human life, regaining memories


Mel is a part of a universe/setting I've been working on for nearly two years now, called the Nytescape. A world where demons are not soulless monsters, but unfulfilled humans reborn and given a second chance at happiness at the cost of losing any and all memories of their past lives.

Born into the Kingdom of Belphegor, Melancholy was Kindled without any sex traits, like all her "siblings" who came before her. While given the opportunity to present however she pleased, Mel kept her original form, feeling it was "more human" to work with the vessel she was given and change it herself, no matter how hard it may be. While she identifies more as female, her relationship with her gender and identity as a whole has never been solid, and she is comfortable with neutral pronouns and terms as well.

She, like too many before her, sacrificed her powers in hopes of regaining her memories from past lives through a process called Snuffing. Unfortunately, the rumors appear to be false, and she has been left powerless in a harsh and unforgiving city. She spends most of her time trying to connect more with humans through their culture, and occasional visits to the mortal plane on full moons. Her reasoning? Maybe if she can learn to be human again, she'll finally remember the life she lost. When she is not focused on the past, she looks to the future. She hopes to one day be a top musician in the City of Nyte - she only needs to get a bigger gig than her own bar, first.

Mel isn't very talkative. She feels that actions and lyrics speak much louder than words. She doesn't take shit from anyone. Despite being Snuffed, she can still hold her own in a fight with claws and teeth. She keeps her Snuffed condition hidden, however, as it is often used as a punishment for criminals, lowlifes, and hopeless dreamers - which she is not.