


2 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Primary Domain

Asmodeus (Lust)

Secondary Domain





Transformation, shape shifting

Relationships (Romantic)

Avery (crush)

Relationships (Friends)

Mirabelle, Dionysus


Adult Film Star, Model

Special Interests

Being evil and sexy idk


Andromeda is a part of a universe/setting I've been working on for nearly two years now, called the Nytescape. A world where demons are not soulless monsters, but unfulfilled humans reborn and given a second chance at happiness at the cost of losing any and all memories of their past lives.

Andromeda is a genderfluid porn star. They know they're hot and they take full advantage of it at every opportunity. Of course, they have full control over their appearance at all times, so it would be difficult for them NOT to make themself exactly their type. Andromeda had the good fortune of being Kindled into the Kingdom of Asmodeus, granting them the shape-changing abilities they desperately needed to alleviate their dysphoria. No matter the day or the mood, Andromeda looks exactly how they wish they could.

The power and influence that comes with being one of the most recognizable and sought-after people in Nyte doesn't come without it's costs, though. They are constantly faced with two options: appear as they want and get recognized, oggled, or worse, or present in a less comfortable manner and live life ad anyone else would? Normally, they go for the former of the two. Most days, Andromeda loves the attention that comes with their job, so much so that it's gone to their head more than they care to admit.

Outgoing and (usually) charming, Andromeda feels they can attract any lover they please. Their biggest flaw is realizing this is NOT how the world works. Andromeda has been pining after their co-star, Avery, for ages, but Avery doesn't have the same feelings for them. To him, this is just a job and nothing more. Sure, they're casual friends, but when the curtain is called, he couldn't care much less about them. The question now is whether or not Andromeda will be able to accept - let alone get over - this heartbreak.