Aurelia and Suzette (Aurelia-Full profile)



2 years, 4 months ago


Pronouns: She=her-hers


Louisa and Owen FireRose (Parents) Suzette FireRose (Twin sister) Astra Frost (Sister) Marissa Fawkes (Sister) 

Norrix Frost, Derwin Fawkes (Brothers in law) Storm Felon (Brother in law, deceased) Niam Fawkes (Nephew) 

Milo and Michael Felon (Nephews, AU only)  Aria Fawkes/Felon (Niece, canon and AU) Sarina Fawkes/Felon (Niece. Canon and AU)

Harper, Rime, Freya Frost (Nieces)

Personality traits: Flighty, unreliable, supportive, open minded

Quirks: Immunity to illnesses, hums to herself when she is working, often chews her hair

Likes: Listening to music, drawing, nail art, palaeontology, glowsticks

Dislikes: Bad luck, dust getting in her eyes, horror films

Favourites: Pink purple and grey, ice cream, butterflies, legends

Hobbies: Farming, origami, performance art, stand up comedy, blanket forts, ice hockey, road trips, writing in her journal

Fears: Medication, blood, dentists, humanoid figures, water, loneliness, the cold, alleyways

Skills: Great precision, knife throwing, charming others, twin telepathy, artistic ability


Aurelia and Suzette were abandoned by their birth parents due to financial gain. Things were already not looking great for the new-born twins, however, hope would soon come to them when their cries reached couple Louisa and Owen, who had found them in an alleyway and close to starvation as well as half frozen as they were found on a bitter autumn night.

Not wanting to leave them there, Aurelia and Suzette were immediately taken to the couple's home where they were fed, attended to and receiving immediate tender, loving care, Louisa and Owen deciding to raise these twins.

Life so far for the twins seems to be a positive one. Both now twelve years old, they were unsure what their roles and story would be.

Voice claim: Inori Minase (Japanese) Erika Harlacher (English)