Petra Osokina



2 years, 11 months ago



Petra Osokina

"God made me too OP and proceeded to nerf me with BPD."
  • Name Osokina Petra Antonova
  • Age 18 y.o.
  • Gender Female
  • Nationality Russian with Altai descent
  • Sexuality Lesbian
  • Personal info

    Emotional, loyal, amusing, frank. Is kind-hearted, but sometimes hurts people because of her tactlessness and impulsivity. Is often sarkastic and likes to present herself as thick-skinned, but in reality is very sensitive. She easily attaches to people and suffers from it. Kind of mentally ill. Likes to stand out from the crowd. Has radical left political views and a craving for forbidden. Is interested in informational technologies, art, music and politics.

    Height: 176 cm Weight: 63 kg MBTI: INFP Birth date: 15.07.2003 Place of birth: Barnaul, Russia

  • Appearance

    Has dark red hair (the colour is natural), brown reddish almond-shaped eyes, light skin. Her face is oval with a pointy nose sticking out the most. She usually wears casual or grunge clothes, but also likes suits.

  • Likes - women ofc - dinosaurs - playing guitar - shawarma - burning things - minerals - cursed memes - anime - horror movies - her bestie
  • Dislikes - dudes - her parents - cold weather - peppers - the government institutions - cops
  • Backstory

    Was born not long after marriage. Her father left the family when she was 5 years old. He commited suicide because of his mental illness, and now she can't get aliments:(. Her mother is a depressed overworked woman who doesn't like her because she is similar to her father in appearance and behaviour, they have cold relationship. So, the only really close person Petra has is her best friend Marina, who has been her friend since her childhood. They are the same age and were introduced to each other in primary school by their mothers who are friends, too. Over time Petra fell in love with her friend passionately to the point of obsession, but Marina was scared of such strong feelings towards her...will they work it out eventually?

    Petra doesn't have much friends and usually spends time alone. Some time ago she befriended a woman named Vasilisa, who has interests similar to her and is also kind of weird. She doesn't know about her connection to her whole life yet.

  • Имя Осокина Петра Антонова


  • Возраст 18 лет

  • Пол Женский

  • Национальность Русская с алтайскими корнями по одной линии

  • Question

    Nullam convallis semper elit, quis tempus lectus dignissim tincidunt. Aliquam facilisis pellentesque nibh. Nullam sed porttitor tellus. Fusce dictum nulla ut enim euismod, eget pellentesque metus egestas. Nam eget massa a massa hendrerit condimentum eu sit amet ex. In convallis, odio ac mollis tempor, nunc dui efficitur libero, ac aliquam orci sem eu magna.

  • Question

    Nullam convallis semper elit, quis tempus lectus dignissim tincidunt. Aliquam facilisis pellentesque nibh. Nullam sed porttitor tellus. Fusce dictum nulla ut enim euismod, eget pellentesque metus egestas. Nam eget massa a massa hendrerit condimentum eu sit amet ex. In convallis, odio ac mollis tempor, nunc dui efficitur libero, ac aliquam orci sem eu magna.

  • Question

    Nullam convallis semper elit, quis tempus lectus dignissim tincidunt. Aliquam facilisis pellentesque nibh. Nullam sed porttitor tellus. Fusce dictum nulla ut enim euismod, eget pellentesque metus egestas. Nam eget massa a massa hendrerit condimentum eu sit amet ex. In convallis, odio ac mollis tempor, nunc dui efficitur libero, ac aliquam orci sem eu magna.

  • Question

    Nullam convallis semper elit, quis tempus lectus dignissim tincidunt. Aliquam facilisis pellentesque nibh. Nullam sed porttitor tellus. Fusce dictum nulla ut enim euismod, eget pellentesque metus egestas. Nam eget massa a massa hendrerit condimentum eu sit amet ex. In convallis, odio ac mollis tempor, nunc dui efficitur libero, ac aliquam orci sem eu magna.

  • Trivia
    • Sed ac ligula consectetur, feugiat mi ac, eleifend nisl. Nam scelerisque convallis euismod. Nam tincidunt risus eget blandit luctus.
    • Etiam consequat viverra ex, ut hendrerit dolor auctor in. Integer feugiat feugiat molestie.
    • Nullam mollis pharetra ipsum nec ultricies.
    • Maecenas aliquet porttitor vehicula. Donec tristique porta arcu nec cursus.
    • Ut malesuada lectus laoreet lorem pulvinar, in suscipit erat lacinia.
    • Nunc et ultrices orci, id hendrerit massa. In mattis interdum augue, vel scelerisque elit venenatis sed.