Ikeda Seiko (Yone)


Basic Info




1000+ years



Curse Type



Foxfire Illusion

This technique allows Yone to generate and manipulate ethereal flames that do not burn physically but can affect the mind and soul. These foxfires can be used to create vivid illusions, disorienting or trapping opponents in scenarios conjured by Yone's will. The illusions are incredibly realistic, capable of engaging all five senses, making them difficult to distinguish from reality. The technique's effectiveness is enhanced by Yone's own intelligence and creativity, allowing for complex and strategic uses in battle.

Kitsune's Whisper

Yone can communicate and influence others through whispers that seem to come from nowhere. These whispers can plant suggestions, cause doubt, or even relay messages over long distances. This ability reflects Yone's nature of being both a guardian and a trickster, offering a versatile tool for both communication and psychological manipulation.

Foxfire Reversal

A rare and potent reverse cursed technique that draws upon the regenerative and purifying aspects of the kitsune's mythical powers. This technique allows Yone to reverse the flow of cursed energy within herself or others, healing injuries and dispelling negative effects, including curses, poison, or mental afflictions. The technique manifests visually as shimmering, silver-blue flames that envelop the target, soothing pain and repairing damage without causing harm.

Infernal Foxfire

This technique allows Yone to manipulate ethereal flames that burn not the body but the very essence of her targets. These flames are a vivid blue and appear soft and mesmerizing, yet they hold destructive power over the cursed energy of those they touch. Yone can summon and control Infernal Foxfire at will, directing it towards her enemies. Upon contact, the flames do not cause physical burns but instead ignite the target's cursed energy, slowly consuming it from within. This process is excruciating for sorcerers and curses alike, as it feels like their essence is being burned away.

Soul Devourer

Allows Yone to consume the essence of other curses, sorcerers, and even non-sorcerers to acquire their energy and knowledge. The essence, once consumed, is assimilated into Yone's own cursed energy, augmenting her power and wisdom.


Opulent Hall of the Divine Fox

A breathtaking domain expansion that embodies the full majesty and mystical power of the kitsune spirit. Upon activation, the surroundings transform into an expansive, magnificent palace hall, resplendent with golden pillars, intricate carvings of foxes and celestial motifs, and floors of polished, reflective jade. The air is thick with an ethereal mist, shimmering with flecks of golden light, and the scent of sakura blossoms fills the air, creating an atmosphere of divine presence. The hall's luxurious expanse is not just for show; it is a fully realized battlefield where Yone's command over foxfire and illusion reaches divine levels. Enemies find themselves not only battling Yone, but also their own senses, as the hall's grandeur and the illusions it contains play tricks on their minds. The domain's opulent beauty can be distracting, lulling opponents into underestimating the deadly precision of Yone's attacks. The domain also serves as a defensive mechanism, with the golden pillars and jade floors capable of absorbing and redirecting cursed energy, protecting Yone from harm. This ability to control the flow of energy within the hall makes it extremely difficult for opponents to land effective blows or use their own techniques.