Chaos Raptor



2 years, 9 months ago


Basilius Suki, born and raised in Greece, until his parents were pressured to move to Japan to live with family so extended, it was hard to believe they were family at all. But sure enough, these people shared the same cursed blood he and his ancestors had. They, like him, were forced by mystical forces to transform by the will of the moon. For him specifically, it was when the moon hid from the sky, the new moon. He had never before met the head of their bloodline, the head of the Suki Clan. He wondered what lovely sort of woman she must be, to have so many people listening to her, and relying on her to keep them safe from the outside world....
Awful. She was awful. Violent and ill, prone to outbursts and cruel language. Basilius, or Basil as he was now often called, had never hated someone before. The feeling the vile woman gave him made him feel ill. And now his family would be living on her property. But it could be worse, they could be without a home at all.

Basilius Suki - Age 15
The day of the new moon, he transforms into a fuzzy raptor at precisely noon. He transforms back the following day, again at exactly 12:00. The 9-minute transformation is long and painful, but he's thankful.
It could be worse.
The sentence sums up his general mindset about most things. Life isn't always great, but it could be worse. It could be an hour-long transformation, or there could be a tsunami filled with sharks.
He's a big fan of bizarre..... "food". His favorite food is grilled grapefruit with horseradish and cilantro. He also eats mouthfuls of Crystal Lite powder. Straight from the packet.