


2 years, 11 months ago


NUMBER (48) Owner: Beestarart (bee)

Name: Captain

Age: 7

Bloodline: None

Birthdate: March 25th

Upload Date: March 26th, 2021

Sexuality: Straight.

Gender: Male.

Status: Single

Parents: N/A

Cubs: N/A

Personality: One of the kindest kubes you will ever meet, is Loyal to a fault, loves giving big bear hugs to his friends, is a little silly at times, and loves to make jokes, but is serious when he needs to be.

History: Captains mother lived with the Royal Ama pack her whole life, and served the royal family as a maiden for the Alpha's mate. she was an older female when she gave birth to Captain and sadly grew ill shorty after. Captain was only a few weeks old when his mother passed, an as her last dying wish she asked that Loulordi the Alpha's mate take care of the cub, luckily Loulordi herself was due to give birth to her first litter, so she took him in. a few days later Mani was born and thus started the loyal friendship between a orphaned kube and the Royal prince. As Captain grew, him and mani would get up to all sorts of mischief, playing pranks on other members of the pack, they were inseparable. To this day, Captain still remains a Loyal friend to Mani, and is now is Royal messenger.

Random facts: LOVES honey. He has an amazing memory and can remember the smallest details of a situation!

Stats: STR – 10 | RES – 5 | WIS – 5 | CHA – 6 | DEX – 4

Traits: Ears: C | Tails: L | Fangs: UC | Size: R | Eyes: UC

Alt Traits: Horns: N/A | Wings: N/A | Glowies: N/A | Feathers: N/A

Sleeping Rot Traits: Mushrooms: N/A | Flowers: N/A | Plants: N/A | Branch Horns: N/A | Wooden Limbs: N/A

God Trait(s): N/A

Mutation: N/A

Special Base: N/A