Stormchaser of Crystal City



2 years, 11 months ago



  • Name Stormchaser of Crystal City
  • Age 2 million
  • Gender she/her
  • Introvert Extrovert
  • Intuitive Observant
  • Thinking Feeling
  • Judging Prospecting
"Might as well keep going 'cause there's nothing else to do."


Chaotic, but kind. She gives off the vibe that she's very lazy and easygoing, when in reality she's extremely hard-working and does her job extremely well. Chase suffers greatly from Imposter Syndrome, and doesn't cope with praise very well. She values friendships, and isn't afraid to go against rules to protect what she believes is right, much to the frustration of her superior officers.


Chase is a tall triple-changer with wings on her shoulder and treads on her calf. She is heavily armored, her tank alt cannon split in half on her forearms and missiles on her wings. She has a red Autobot/Elite Guard combo symbol on her wings.

  • Alt Mode(s) Jet/Tank
  • Residence Iacon
  • Job Cybertronian Elite Guard
  • Sexuality Asexual
  • ● She prefers to be called "Chase" by friends, instead of her full name.
  • ● Chase has two t-cogs, which confuses medics sometimes.
  • ● Terrified of insects, no matter what planet they're from.
  • ● Extremely protective.
  • ● Trans, changed her pronouns when she met other species with genders.
  • ● Her real voice is actually extremely deep, to the point no one can understand her if she speaks organic languages, so she uses a voice synthesizer.
  • Snacks
  • Flying
  • Drinking with friends
  • Prank wars
  • Earth plants and animals
  • Whirl
  • Ultra Magnus
  • Uptight people
  • Government corruption
  • Lying
  • Being in jet mode too long
  • Boring missions


Chase was forged in an unusual way, an experimental combination of two sparks. Ultra Magnus wanted a bot who had both a ground and air alt, with his ideals and ability, so he commissioned a scientist to combine his spark with an unknown triple-changer's, resulting in her two older siblings, and then her. She grew much slower than forged Cybertronians, and spent her childhood being trained to be the perfect solider. Despite her personality appearing to not fit the role, her skills exceeded expectations and she quickly rose through the ranks base entirely on her own skills. She became a high-raking official in the Aerial division of the Elite Guard and was present when Megatron declared war on the counsel.

She was captured during the war and experimented on for some time, but she eventually escaped and rejoined the Autobots.


Ultra Magnus She is genetically related to him, and he technically raised her. She does not like him much as he was very strict and continues to be very strict.

Whirl Whirl is her conjux.

Sam A human turned Cybertronian, who is her conjux amica.

profile html by Hukiolukio