Vixie Tottingham




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Vixiella Tottingham

Name Vixie
Age 27
Alias The Seductress
Gender Female
Sexuality Heterosexual
Pronouns She / Her/Hers
Role Femme Fatale
Race Fox-Mobian

 Some words here 
  • Birthday: 17th November
  • Resident: Tottingham Manor, Dark Avalon, Mobian
  • Voice claim: Karen Strassman
  • Likes: Tattoos, piercings, cocktails, fancy threads, haunted houses, yoga and pilates
  • Dislikes: Road trips, clutter, light beer, closed spaces
  • Favourites: Dark red, classical, pasta with oyster and clams
  • Hobbies: Abandoned buildings, cemeteries, nail art, pedicures and manicures 
Reference Here

Vixiella Tottingham, known as Vixie for short, is the wealthy daughter to her parents. Her father is a notorious businessman who is in charge of Dark Avalon's underground and ruling with a iron fist.

She is known to flirt and seduce her victims before she kills them with a lethal poisoned pill. Vixie is known as the Scarlett Killer

Her reputation is a tainted one, is part of the reformed dark legion and is a co assistant.

Constantly self-sabotages in all areas of life because she does not feel that she deserves anything positive, or she becomes so afraid of something good being taken away from her that she deny herself of it first. Always turning down things that would make her happy or running away from situations, either sabotaging her in the middle or rejecting herself pre-emptively.


solitary social

observant dense

logical emotional

organised messy

assertive turbulent

HeadCanon 1

Coming soon

Headcanon 2

Coming soon


Vixie is the eldest daughter and therefore heir to her family the Tottingham, born under the iron fist of her father.

Vixie is the eldest of three children, herself and her two younger brothers. Vixie lived  a lavish lifestyle, however it was the pressure of being perfect and the lifestyle itself that affected her mental health. 

While her siblings remained humble and good of heart, Vixie went down a dark path. At the age of eight, she killed a five year old by hitting the child until they died from their injuries and ending up on the wrong side of the street.

Throughout her teen years, she continued to build this reputation, eventually joining the dark legion as a new recruit. She was trained and mentored up until the age of seventeen where she became a co assistance. She was given her weapon of murder medicine with a lethal amount of poison.

At twenty, she committed her second murder and using her gift in the process, where she met a male victim, ordering him a drink, seduced him and later murdered him, repeating this process over nine years, her victim count is unknown.

Recently she has found out she is pregnant with one of her victim's child, later abandoning her child once they were born. In present day, her crimes remain unsolved.


  • Scarlett and Tomas Brookstein (Maternal grandparents)
  • Nicodemus Brookstein (Maternal uncle) Colbalt and Trena Brookstein (Maternal cousins)
  • Morbi pretium gravida lacus, vel tempor libero interdum et.
  • Integer pellentesque pretium dolor vel eleifend.
  • Vestibulum ornare id eros id rutrum.

Aesthetic  Romance,deadly, seductress
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Sin Lust
Virtue content

Designer PixelatedButterfly
Obtained None
Status Alive
Value Not for Sale


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Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non. Ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate. Elit at imperdiet dui accumsan sit amet nulla facilisi. Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh.

Varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet. Tellus molestie nunc non blandit massa enim nec dui. Orci phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt. Felis eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus!