Jesse Flintlock's Comments

If this little silly ever goes ufo do you do pings? I do miss him haha

Does anyone in my TH interest you? My Mascot and my persona Jack are the only ones offlimits, other than that feel free to look everywhere! Also, I'm willing to trade more than one oc if you'd prefer that. and do you think you can let me know if you don't see anyone? it helps me keep track [which i find really hard to do due to a memory disorder]

Sorry, I didn't see anyone! :( Thank you so much for the offer though!

All good! Have a great day/night

does someone in my UFO folder interests you for them by a chance? If no, please let me know! :]] 

Thank you as well for the offer, though I didn't see anyone I would use. ^^ Tysm though!

Hi!! Does anybody in my secondaries or trade/sell/offer folders interest you for them? :)

i didn't see anyone i'd use, but you have some cute characters!! <3

that's okay! and thank you! :))