TBN's Comments

Hey! This character is actually one of mine. May I take him back?

I can't give you any money or ocs but if you're amenable to the idea I could make some art for you or something.

Just let me know, thanks.

I'm totally down to work something out, yes! Slept for like 20 hours yesterday so apologies on the late reply   

I wouldn't ask for much art-wise, what would you be comfortable with/what kind of characters do you like drawing?

No sweat!!

I like humanoid figures, I mostly draw humans or some variety of human shaped character.

Here's some of my art:



You can also peep through my art tag to see some of the work I've done

For this character I'm down to do whatever. I'm going to try to get back into commissions myself so, I'm down to make anything with any character! It'll be like a favor for gifting me this character!

Thanks, let me know what you think!

i LOVE your style AAAA hell yeah :D 

any art of any of these characters would be fine with me, i'm down to be as specific or vague as you'd like on ideas, depending on what ideas you may have and which one you would wanna work with most!

i'll move this lad to pending in the meantime 

Hey there! Thanks for waiting. I had to go through some stuff but I'm finally back in the swing of things.

I'll send you a DM with art in the near future. I decided for this piece I was going to use Lotus as my muse!

Thanks again,


it's absolutely no worry at all! take all the time you need, for real, i get it 100% and am in a similar boat

im excited to see what you come up with! :D