Azra Nakeisha Rowley



2 years, 10 months ago


Artistic Healer

  •  Name   Azra Nakeisha Rowley 
  •  Age   23 
  •  GenderFemale 
  •  RaceHuman 
  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

"Well blow me down, you’re really lost aren’t you? I’m not asking for your money, I’m asking for your wellbeing!"


Azra is a caring person who takes the issues of others at heart and often places them above her own. She feels the urge to help all in need and dedicated her life to doing just that. She is rather disappointed by what regular doctors are capable of doing and are willing to do. Azra is hotheaded and has had quite a lot of anger management issues in the past. Lately she’s been trying to find a healthy balance and will try to avoid conflict if possible to hold this side of hers in. She usually makes plans on the spot and isn’t nearly organized enough, but that’s because she trusts her knowledge enough to conquer whatever may come. She’s often running late from places and she can be rather forgetful about the simple things. Azra enjoys learning about plants and the human body and has spent a considerable amount of her time doing so. She has a vast knowledge of medicine that she puts to good use every day.


Azra has a darker, terracotta skin colour, with warm undertones. Her form is rather feminine, and she’s also relatively tall, being 178 cm tall. She however, doesn’t dress to impress. Most of her outfits are made for work and work only. She values comfort and accessibility greatly and it reflects in her fashion choices. Azra has naturally kinky, dark hair, which often would annoy her during work, so it’s almost always styled. She does her hairstyles herself. She’s most commonly seen with protective style box braids or poetic justice braids, but she also enjoys wearing cornrows. Azra’s eyes are darker brown, with a slight hue of gold in direct sunlight. Due to her line of work Azra’s body is very commonly filled with tattoos that disappear shortly after. She however has a few permanent ones as well, that she collected over her travels. These tattoos can be found on her calves and ankle. Some of them resemble small signatures, while others are simply numbers. The rest of her body however is kept clean, in case she needs to add some of her magical tattoos there. 

  •  Ethnicity   African-American
  •  SexualityBisexual
  •  Job   Tattoo artist / Doctor
  • Fun facts
  • ● Azra first learned about healing through tattoos from a tribe.
  • ● She designed all her own tattoos, thinking of the intent when creating it.
  • ● Azra shares a flat with two other women to save money.
  • ● She's incredibly bad at being on time.
  • ● Her middle name Nakeisha is her mother's maiden name.
  • Smooth tunes
  • In love with her own work
  • Journaling
  • Red wine
  • Sailing, travelling the world
  • Crushing herbs
  • Losing control of her emotions
  • Big cities
  • Faith (due to a traumatic event)
  • Being unable to help a patient
  • Stuck-up ways of medicine
  • Thinking about rent


As a child Azra’s town had a plague breakout. Her family fortunately didn’t catch the dreaded disease, but it did affect them economically. Azra however suffered quite the loss. One of her best friends died due to the disease. She knew about her catching it and she prayed every night for her wellbeing, but upon hearing about her death she had to project her anger onto something and it was the very god she used to pray to. She was disappointed and mad, feeling very broken. Ever since then, she’s had a bitter taste in her mouth when it comes to religion and faith. She decided right then and there, that she would solve the issues herself and she'd study to become a doctor. She did so, learning locally at first, but she quickly realized the old ways weren't going to cut it. She decided to start travelling and learn about how different cultures would heal. She travelled with a private crew for quite some time, until she found her way: healing through magical tattoos. She settled down on an island with a magical multiversity on it, hoping to pick up more magical knowledge to perfect the method.


Azra's magical skills are all there to further her healing. She can use telekinesis which helps her out quite a lot when working. She can also nullify people's pain.

Tattoos: Azra uses tattoos to heal people. She uses inks made by her that are practically potions and has a handmade tattoo gun to go with it. Thanks to the nature of tattoos, the potions can enter the bloodstream, hence making the actual healing process easier. The power of the inks mixed with Azra’s intent and channeling causes the effects to take place. Different inks are used for each purpose and she usually does the same design for one type of spell, since that makes it easier to get the dosage right and to continuously channel the intent as she makes the tattoo. She can heal all sorts of injuries this way, enhance body functions, remove curses and finding the cause of the issues in a body. 

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