IX [Profile WIP, RP Character]



2 years, 10 months ago



NAME: Specimen IX

AGE: Unknown

SEX: Unknown

D.O.B: Unknown

HEIGHT: 5'2" Upright

WEIGHT: 92.7 lbs

ABDUCTED FROM: Land Between The Lakes National Recreation Area, Kentucky


- IX is the 9th animal subject [originally a coyote] in a series of tests being done by a secret laboratory in an attempt to develop a better understanding of the entity known as Slender Man, slender sickness, and other related phenomena.

- It has a strange were-creature type appearance. It is bipedal at most times, but exhibits quadruped movements selectively. Its body is covered by light, almost white fur, biologically consistent with that of a coyote, perhaps only slightly wispier. From its head protrude two black medium-sized horns, slightly curved. Longer than average claws adorn its hand paws. These features are part of the transformations caused by experimentation. Its eyes are a pale light blue.

- Experimenters at the facility placed a black restrictive muzzle over the coyote's face, preventing movement of the jaws. Around the specimen's neck is a hefty black collar, resembling a tracking collar, that reads "Specimen IX FOF". In particular, the letters "FOF" are within a symbol can be characterized as two eyes intersecting perpendicularly with the eyeball in the middle, with FOF spelled across the horizontal eye with one F on the left, the O being the iris, and an F on right end of the horizontal eye. The specimen bore other items and physical restraints that were dispelled of during its escape from detainment.

- IX cannot speak human language due to its animalistic origin. However, it inherits some human-like traits and tendencies much like the entity Slender Man that occurred as a result of the testing and experiments performed in the lab.


- Can manipulate energy, mostly to move things or organisms. Whether or not this is physically taxing depends on the effort required in the situation [small/few things only use a little energy; big/many things use more].

- Does not feel pain.

- Does not need sustenance.


- Can be weakened by physical damage, fatigue, strain, etc.

- May be susceptible to effects of slender sickness, and can possibly be manipulated by Slender Man if it is near.

- Experiences increased difficulty manipulating things that are not in its line of vision.


IX was captured and abducted from the Land Between The Lakes National Recreation Area in Kentucky by researchers from the Fenton Observational Facility to become a subject for their animal testing. These tests were part of a classified government funded effort to learn more about the entity that was coming to be known in popular culture and modern urban legends as Slender Man, along with related phenomena.

Sed tempus arcu sit amet metus fringilla, ac sollicitudin lorem congue. Morbi egestas accumsan bibendum. Nunc dignissim, libero aliquam convallis dignissim, nibh purus ultrices tortor, eget consequat neque est a nisl. Vivamus blandit augue nulla, id vulputate orci varius quis. Duis malesuada sapien lacus, ac tincidunt sapien condimentum id. Sed lobortis arcu quis ex suscipit, eu varius neque sagittis. Maecenas facilisis dui et placerat ultricies. Morbi egestas venenatis lectus, a tincidunt arcu volutpat nec. Morbi ultricies scelerisque nulla dapibus consectetur. Sed aliquet risus iaculis, hendrerit neque eget, elementum nunc. Donec interdum tellus pulvinar tempor commodo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam vel mauris in leo convallis vehicula ut vitae dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse suscipit, nisi ac varius maximus, sem dui imperdiet urna, non volutpat erat nunc nec massa. Cras eu tempor sapien.


"There were many thoughts going through IX's mind. It shifted its eyes away from the human and looked off into the distance, narrowing its eyelids in concentration.

While still wary, it was relieved that they had relaxed. This was the first person that hadn't tried to attack or apprehend it in a long time. IX knew there was a time before all this. A time without fear. Without people. But it could not remember. All it knew was that place. A barred cage in a room with four white walls. One way in or out. It would open. A "whizz" and a sharp prick on its side. Pain followed by heavy fatigue. Blurry vision catching shapes of people coming through the door as the world faded to black. That was always the same, but waking up wasn't.

The only good thing to wake up to was food and water, but even that did not last. There came a point where there the instinct to feed disappeared. It was replaced by numbness; a feeling of being whole and empty simultaneously. But by then, much else was different too. Its body changed and grew over time. It was painful and frightening. It would often wake up to soreness from jabs made in its body. It could feel that something had entered, but there was no way to get it out. There were times where the feelings and sensations it experienced were indescribable. Images flashed in IX's mind remembering waking up to its body burning and throbbing, violently wheezing--sometimes with blood--thrashing about in the cage and sometimes causing it to move or tip over. It was unbearable. Everything was unbearable. It could not even yelp with the tight muzzle around its mouth and face. It could only wait until the weight of its bodily restraints tired it out and it collapsed, or until the next time the humans would put it to sleep.

While its body tired, its mind somehow did not. It changed too. At first it thought it had begun to hear a high pitched ringing all the time. The ringing slowly turned into a constant hiss, and IX no longer heard it. Rather, it was a part of it; a part of its mind. It was around then that it began to feel energy like a buzz. It could sense the energy of the humans behind the door when they'd go to open it. It could sense the electrical current of the lights in the room. It could sense the particles existing in the air and items in its confined quarters. Concentrating on the energy of the things around it, IX felt an instinct to move them, but it had no idea how. It learned quickly though. That day was a blur in IX's mind, but it could pick out moments. Door. "Whizz". Prick. Fatigue. Sleep. Wake. Pulse. Throb. Fuzz. Static. Bend. Break. Push. Pull. Open. Run. Kill. Run. Kill. Run. Kill. Run...

IX ran until it collapsed, and by then it was far out of harm's way. It had escaped, and was free of all but its collar and muzzle. It was exhausted and couldn't will them to pull or break apart like it had done previously. It gave up and let sleep take over, then just decided not to bother.

In its time spent roaming the woods, IX had seen its reflection in bodies of water and knew the collar had writing on it. It had a word on it, followed by the same line and cross pair ("IX") that had been on the door to the room it was in, and one more symbol that it did not understand: two eyes intersecting perpendicularly with the eyeball in the middle, with FOF spelled across the horizontal eye with one F on the left, the O being the iris, and an F on right end of the horizontal eye.

This was the only thing IX had to show the human. By no means would that communicate all that it had been through, but it was something. Still laying on its side, the beast gently lifted its head up and exposed its neck to reveal the small white writing on the black collar: "Specimen IX FOF"."



Talk about the characters' relationship here. Nunc enim libero, fringilla nec tellus in, rhoncus feugiat nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer feugiat lorem et dapibus volutpat. Pellentesque at malesuada tortor. Ut pharetra est convallis ex tristique suscipit semper vel justo. Nulla eu arcu quis urna consectetur finibus pharetra ac magna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris in pellentesque felis.



Talk about the characters' relationship here. Nunc enim libero, fringilla nec tellus in, rhoncus feugiat nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer feugiat lorem et dapibus volutpat. Pellentesque at malesuada tortor. Ut pharetra est convallis ex tristique suscipit semper vel justo. Nulla eu arcu quis urna consectetur finibus pharetra ac magna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris in pellentesque felis.



Talk about the characters' relationship here. Nunc enim libero, fringilla nec tellus in, rhoncus feugiat nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer feugiat lorem et dapibus volutpat. Pellentesque at malesuada tortor. Ut pharetra est convallis ex tristique suscipit semper vel justo. Nulla eu arcu quis urna consectetur finibus pharetra ac magna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris in pellentesque felis.

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