Lee Daystar



3 years, 2 months ago


code by eudaenomics

moodboard imgs from pexels.com

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When does this class
get out? I'm bored,,

Lee Daystar


VO: Tsubasa Yonaga


Lee is an antisocial 2nd year, currently living in Savanaclaw and pretending that it's their dorm (They're actually a Heartslabyul member.) They spend their time sleeping in the garden or hanging out with the light music club. Their tendency to fall in love easily often leads them into some real sticky situations.

Name Lee Daystar
Nickname Day, Petite Lapin
Gender Non Binary (he/they)
Age 17
Height 5’3
Year 2nd
Class 2-E
Dorm Heartslabyul/Savanaclaw
Club Light Music Club
Birthday Aug. 28
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Species Rabbit Beastman
Handedness Right
Homeland Rose Kingdom


Lee could be considered a smug tsundere. They really hate when people call them a tsun, but it’s quite hard to deny once you know them well enough. Due to their ADHD, they’re super energetic and super social but they get super burnt out after functioning for too long. They have a habit of not doing anything that’s asked of them, frequently ignoring their assignments.

On the other hand though Lee's an absolutely lovesick mess. They will deny deny deny their crush on someone but get super jittery at the mention of them. This also doesnt help how skittish they are as they tend to choose to run away from situations that get too stressful.

Unique Magic

Lee’s Unique magic is known as, “Oh dear, i’m late!” It allows them to create a portal to a small pocket dimension that looks similar to the tea party scene in Alice in Wonderland. They can bring others into the dimension, but the more people that are in there, the harder it is for them to sustain.

  • Roses
  • Gems
  • Jewlery
  • Pretty Things
  • Pretty people :)
  • Sweets
  • Drawing
  • Sleeping
  • Hot Chocolate

  • Spicy food
  • Moving
  • Charcoal
  • Loud People
  • Sushi
  • The dark
  • School
  • Being chased
  • Vil
Design Notes
  • Design twisted from:

    The White Rabbit - Alice in Wonderland

  • In their Heartslabyul version, their hair is white and fluffy with rose shaped curls in them. This is a weird genetic thing they inherited.
  • Their sun hair clip was a gift from Ryann, who got himself a matching moon clip, and gave Putt a star clip.
  • Lilia did their hair as it is now, and they have to get it redone every few weeks, otherwise it returns to it’s natural white color.
  • They tailored their shorts themself after not wanting to wear their normal pants anymore. They’ve never really liked pants.
  • Their eyes are naturally red and they wear yellow contacts. It’s mostly because he thinks the red eyes are freaky.
  • Their RSA Uniform and look are inspired by the white rabbit in alice in wonderland (2010)

  • THEY HAVE A BRITISH ACCENT, because they’re from the rose kingdom, but they try so hard to keep it from slipping out though because they think it’s embarrassing.
  • Attended RSA for half a semester but they were eventually transferred after multiple students complained about their valuables going missing via portal (lee would mostly use their unique magic to open portals under their stuff and store it in their sub dimension)
  • Kind of embarrassed to be themself considering they use a fake last name, live in a dorm they were not sorted into, and changed themself to look almost completely different than they actually look.
  • Despite living in the same town as Che’nya, Trey, and Riddle, Lee did not meet Trey or Riddle until attending NRC.
  • They can shapeshift into a small, albino rabbit (white with red eyes) at will. This form is usually adorned with a red ribbon with gold on the outside edge (Later given a purple, gold lined ribbon with red on the inside)
  • They carry a small pocket watch on them, but it broke the day they transferred to NRC, it’s now stuck at 12:25, but they still carry it around with them.
  • sleeps in a GIANT mountain of plushies, most of them gifts from their friends.
  • genuinely jumps when a toaster pops.
  • When they arent hanging out with Ryann, they’re usually found with Lilia, Cater, and Kalim (Ruggie is also there sometimes.)


Fairytale|Alexander Rybak

La La La|Naughty Boy

La Parfum de Fluers|Yuri on Ice OST

Maps|Maroon 5

Cant Get You Out Of My Head|Kylie Minogue


rises the moon|liana flores


Lee has spent most of their life running from things. From being chased around the school yard to running out into the forest to escape the struggles of their daily life. They have developed their own strategies for efficiently escaping most situations. When they lived with their parents in a small home in the rose kingdom, they were happy, for the most part. Their classmates at school would occasionally bully them for being the only beastman or for their eyes, calling them ‘evil’ or pretending to be scared when they were around. They slowly learned how to avoid all this happening, aka, missing school. When they were not in school, they were usually found sleeping in the forest. They found a clearing one night while they were exploring, filled with all kinds of beautiful flora. Lee spent many nights curled up under a wide brimmed mushroom, keeping them covered and out of the rain or the eventual sun.

After attending class for the first time in a while, they went back to the forest. Though this time their clearing wasn't empty, there was a curious boy around their age sitting and studying one of the flowers. His purple hair swayed very slightly in the light breeze, tail flicking occasionally. Catboy? They hid slightly out of view behind a tree as to not startle the boy but before they knew it, there were hands covering their eyes. They froze, not knowing what to do, fear overtaking every part of their body, telling them to run. Suddenly, the hands move and they find the boy they had just seen by that flower, now right in front of them. This obviously startles them, making them trip backwards, only to be caught by the boy. That’s odd, wasn't he just in front of me? The boy introduces himself after this. Alchemi Alchemivich Pinka, Che’nya for short.

After this, Lee and Che’nya became friends, often hanging out in that forest clearing. About a year before Lee was set to attend RSA though, Che’nya told them he had to leave for school. The entire time the two had been hanging out, Lee had begun to develop feelings for the boy. Deciding this was their last and only chance, they confessed. The catboy’s ears flattened and he smiled sadly, telling the bunny that he did not reciprocate their feelings. Lee simply nodded with a blank face and slowly started to back away, muttering apologies. At some point they had started to run, as that's usually what they did when something scared them. They ran all the way home, back to their room, and the second their door was closed, they broke down sobbing.

Lee had never experienced heartbreak in their life. Sure they had been made fun of and bumped into a table or two a little too hard, but those pains paled in comparison to the feeling of a broken heart. They spent a while just laying on their floor in a bundle of blankets, not understanding what went wrong. Right then and there, Lee had promised to themself they would never EVER confess to anyone again. This event left a deep scar on their heart, leaving them to seem hollow to those who viewed them.

When they started attending RSA, they bumped into Che’nya in the hall one day. As they turned to apologize, they realized who they had bumped into. Fear ran through them, freezing them in place. Their fight or flight kicked in, of course doing the only thing Lee knew how to do: flee. In a poof of smoke, they turned into a small rabbit, falling into a portal that originally was not there. They escaped into their pocket dimension, rejoicing at their small victory of successfully escaping. But all good things come to an end, leading to Lee being forcibly shoved out of their own dimension and back into their room. They sat on their bed for a while, not sure how to register the whole situation. They decided that crying was the only real way to express this deeply distressing emotional storm that was brewing inside them.

After Lees eventual expulsion/transfer from RSA to NRC, Lee was much happier. Still not expressing it whatsoever but was happy knowing they could avoid him. Obviously they were foolish in thinking that as one day they had seen him with the Heartslabyul head and vice head. Their heart sank in their chest and thankfully he didn't see them so they rushed back to their room again. Why cant i just get a break, why do i have to keep running?


Lee had a pretty normal childhood, getting bullied a small amount for their looks. They learned to run away from their problems by going to the forest where they meet Che’nya, their first crush. Lee confesses when they find out Che’nya would be leaving for school, he doesn't have the same feelings towards them which completely shatters Lees world. Lee runs back home and crys. Later, when they see him at RSA, they run, same when they see him at NRC. When they’re faced with a problem, they run. And all this because one person said they didn't love them.

Ryann and Lee are 4lifers. These two are practically inseperable, and they're basically a package deal. Ryann is basically Lee's emotional suppourt bird and they'd probably explode if they couldnt see him. If anyone knew what Lee was thinking, it would most definitely be Ryann.

The relationship between Lee and Rook is a little hard to explain. Lee is desperately in love with Rook and would totally throw themself off a cliff if it meant a chance with Rook. Lee originally thought that Rook was some absoloute LOSER, his haircut was wack and he made the conciously made the decision to wear that hat. In fact, Rook was a major antagonist in Lee's first year. He was constantly after them in rabbit form, but one interaction they had with Rook would change their perspective on him forever. It was a normal afternoon aside from the fact they'd bumped into Rook in the gardens, but the second Rook had laid eyes on them, the questions did not stop. He'd launched into a tangent on how beautiful they were and Lee practically blue screened. After this interaction, Lee couldnt get Rook out of their head.

Cater was one of the first people to actively attempt to befriend Lee. He'd seen them during the entrance cerimony and KNEW they were getting sorted into Heartslabyul. After introducing himself, Cater asked Lee to take pictures with him for his Magicam, which Lee was confused about because they dont consider themself special for any reason, especially when it comes to what they consider their 'creeoy look.' Cater waved off their excuse and told them that they were super cute and photographed very well. After that, Lee joined the Light Music Club and is now great friends with all of it's members.

An odd person for them to have befriended is one Lilia Vanrouge. He found Lee in bun form lurking in the light music club room while they were waiting for Cater. Lilia just looked at them with his usual mischievous smile and they immediately knew Lilia knew it was them. Lee started attending the light music club just to hang out with the others, so Lilia and them interacted a lot more. Eventually everyone conviced them to join, so they got even closer then. They love talking to him about fashion and listening to him ramble on and on about stories from his past over tea!

Lee and Kalim weren't very good friends originally, as Lee was super antisocial in their first year at NRC. After Lee got roped into the Light Music Club, Kalim was super friendly towards them and tried to get to know everything about Lee’s interests and favorite things. It was a little overwhelming for them originally, but over time they got used to Kalim’s never ending energy.

One of the people Lee’s most acquainted with! Ruggie and Lee have been friends pretty much since their first year. Lee bumped into Ruggie one day when they were running away from a certain hunter, and luckily, Ruggie distracted Rook as Lee was teleporting away. Lee took the time to find Ruggie later to thank him, and they became besties. Lee sees Ruggie as a very kind and funny person who’s super reliable and helpful.

The rest of their relationship infos can be found here, as well as a link to the other charas thoughts on Lee.