Floyd Ripley



2 years, 11 months ago


code/info tba

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 37

Height: 6'5"

Extra info:

- He's the Sole Survivor, however Shaun is NOT his son- he married his lesbian best friend as a 'beard' and helped take care of her baby. After her death, he felt guilty and responsible for the kid, and set off to track him down and rescue him to make sure he'd have a safe and happy childhood. If only he knew...

- To add onto his childishness and easily excitable personality, he's the kind to love geeky, silly things like comic books and amusement parks. Nuka World was a dream come true for him (He rampaged through the park stealing merch, costumes, and riding every ride he could get to with a very amused Nick in tow.)

- (The Nuka Girl Rocketsuit was a joke but now he actually wears it sometimes)

- He loves loves LOOOOOVES junk food and fast food. Especially chips/salty snacks. He's got a trunk full in his workshop and he always carries at least one bag with him when he's out exploring the Commonwealth. He sometimes laments about 'wanting a nice, greasy burger' again. Additionally, his favorite drink is Nuka-Cherry.

- While kind-hearted, generous, and preferring to opt for peaceful resolutions, he's not by any means weak-willed or reserved. A rather terrifying contrast, he's very deadly and accurate in ranged combat- and a very brutal opponent you'd never want to get into a physical fight with. He always carries a switchblade.