


2 years, 11 months ago


Can’t we just have fun?

Name: Foxfreckle Nickname(s): n/a Future name(s): n/a Former name(s): Foxkit & Foxpaw Age: 26 moons Gender: Genderfluid (amab) Clan or Lifestyle: Clashing Waves Rank: Warrior Mentor: Hazespider Apprentice(s): n/a
Fur color and pattern: red with spots
Fur length: long
Body shape: chubby
Eye color: brown
Scars: n/a
Other important details: n/a

Foxfreckle is a chubby warrior of Clashing Waves. The have long red fur, with dark reddish spots littered all over their body. They have brighter fur around his muzzle, paws, belly and tail.


Foxfreckle is friendly and childish, who age regress due to their trauma. Many Warriors get annoyed by this, especially when on patrols but as long as they don’t snap at him, Foxfreckle really doesn’t care. Foxfreckle gets emotional attached quickly, even to inanimate objects. They own a rock that helps them calm down, they tend to carry it with them everywhere and gets majorly distressed when it goes missing or someone takes it. When feel strong emotions, wether positive or negative Foxfreckle will begin to speak in third person. Foxfreckle will pretty much let anyone do anything to her, fearing they’ll lash out if he refuses.

Likes - flowers
- family & friends
- helping others
- their comfort rock
Dislikes - yelling & fighting
- losing their rock
- the medicine den


Deerflower Mother

Foxfreckle loves their mom, and some of his happiest memories are being in the medicine den with her. She would always go to her for questions or for comfort. Foxfreckle attempted to be with Deerflower as much as possible once he became an apprentice, for multiple reason. Though Deerflower was always distant with her only surviving child.

Foxfreckle doesn’t know anything about their sisters other than Olivekit was stillborn and Snoutkit died an hour after being born.


The two have similar personalities, so they obviously clicked and are good friends.



Mossytuft Mutual Crush

Foxfreckle and Mossytuft and we’re good friends, and both had a mutual crush on each other. However Mossytuft died, and it messed up Foxfreckle for a while.



Hazespider Abusive Mentor

Hazespider was Foxfreckle’s mentor as well as abuser. Hazespider would yell, shout and degrade Foxfreckle if they made a single mistake. Foxfreckle would always stay far away as possible whenever she could, even at the cost of her own training. Hazespider had a big part in shaping Foxfreckle’s personality.


Foxfreckle’s mother, Deerflower was a very sickly molly, she had a sickness the medicine cats didn’t know (FIP). The medicine cats honestly didn’t expect her or her kits would survive the birthing process. By some miracle however Deerflower and one of her kits, Foxkit, survived. Due to how sickly their mother was, Foxkit spent her first few moons in the medicine den. Once he was old enough to be weaned off milk Foxkit was moved to the nursery with a foster mother to watch over them. Foxkit would still pretty much be in the medicine den all day staying with Deerflower. Once old enough, Foxpaw was assigned to Hazespider. This however turned out to be a terrible mistake on the leader’s part. Hazespider was verbally and emotionally abusive to Foxpaw. When not training they would often stay in the medicine den with Deerflower as a way to get away from Hazespider, much to the annoyance of the medicine cats who thought they got rid of him. However, when Foxpaw was 9 moons Deerflower succumbed to her illness. Foxpaw began to avoid the medicine den when possible, as she could only remember her mother dying. Foxpaw would begin to go out of camp to avoid Hazespider, this caused their apprenticeship to be longer than normal. They finally became a warrior at 16 moons and Hazespider was killed by a predator soon after all.

in rp events

  • Mossytuft died, causing Foxfreckle to grieve severely.