Luana Lavellan



2 years, 11 months ago


Luana Lavellan 

AGE 25-28
GENDER Cis Female
HEIGHT 152 cm
Role Inquisitor
BIRTHDAY Bloomingtide 2



Proin feugiat purus arcu, commodo facilisis nunc pretium id. Donec tristique in turpis et laoreet. Nam tincidunt consequat vehicula. Suspendisse vulputate felis a velit ultricies porttitor. Sed eu turpis ut massa suscipit ornare. Aenean tortor erat, congue vel euismod ac, tincidunt quis aenean tortor erat. Sed condimentum finibus libero nec volutpat. Quisque malesuada feugiat viverra.








Born to two defected Dalish elves, Luana found herself quickly wound up in the Tevinter Imperium's slavery scheme. Minrathous, humid and crackling with magical energies, was where she called home--more specifically: a hovel, packed to the gills with elven children just like her. Given her unusual hair & eye color combination, it wasn't long before she was sold to her first owner.

As she grew up, she learned the basics of what was expected of her: cooking, cleaning, sewing, serving guests, polite conversation, how to stay out of the way. She was an ornament, a decorative set piece for the foyer when people arrived; she took their coats and bows, they took her hair and pull. In the evenings when she contemplated her hair with a knife in unsteady hands, the others hissed at her to remind her that it is all that makes her desirable.

Other servants left charcoal markings underneath and beside furniture; Luana mimicked the scratches and loops as best she could, until she was caught and all were punished. She was sold to a new slaver, a magister looking to keep his status. For years he experimented with her blood, hoping to make breakthroughs in his research with how special he was certain she was. She was not. He realized this in her fifteenth year of life and hit her when she pushed him away. His apprentice smuggled her out of the Imperium and left her with a clan of Dalish in the Free Marches.

For ten years she stayed with the Dalish, eager to please and learn to hunt and contribute. The Keeper sent her to the Conclave as their spy, and later she became the leader of the Inquisition. Despite her childhood, she defended mages alongside elves and slaves, determined to help the oppressed. Years later she disbanded the Inquisition, content to travel with her husband and help those less fortunate and eventually settle down.


Suspendisse vulputate felis a velit ultricies porttitor. Suspendisse maximus maximus metus id lacinia. Nam commodo tempor nulla, mattis lacinia eros tristique vel. Maecenas dolor sapien, tempus in mauris eu, consectetur iaculis odio. Fusce cursus fringilla orci, et luctus nisi congue ut.

Phasellus aliquet sed turpis at lobortis. Phasellus id sem scelerisque lectus eleifend varius. Praesent at lacus sollicitudin, lobortis tellus quis, aliquam sem. Sed eu turpis ut massa suscipit ornare. Aenean tortor erat, congue vel euismod ac, tincidunt quis purus. Phasellus tincidunt sed lorem quis dolor sapien, tempus in mauris eu. Donec tristique in turpis et laoreet. Nam tincidunt consequat vehicula. Suspendisse vulputate felis a velit ultricies. Sed in metus elit. Maecenas quis enim quis nisl porttitor ultrices. Nam scelerisque rhoncus magna vitae pellentesque. Cras cursus auctor massa, ut vehicula nunc elementum eget. Vestibulum vestibulum nibh magna, nec sollicitudin turpis.


Aliquam vitae iaculis odio. Aliquam id nisl finibus, vestibulum leo ut, ultrices nibh. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Cras blandit purus et felis congue, eget rutrum turpis eleifend. Donec varius arcu nec ullamcorper fermentum. Donec vitae nibh venenatis, rutrum odio vitae, fringilla mauris. Nunc a imperdiet eros. Sed vel dui aliquam, varius sem a, cursus augue. Integer quis elit sed ante sodales cursus. Cras odio lacus, egestas id ipsum nec, egestas scelerisque sapien. Etiam faucibus dui sit amet consequat hendrerit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In accumsan finibus mi. Sed sagittis fringilla vulputate. Praesent sed eleifend lacus. Mauris at nisi magna. Praesent mauris justo, egestas ut molestie eget, tristique at tortor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Design Notes

  • She has various body scars that can't be ignored. Most are upon her arms, because of magic that required bloodletting, but she also has a scar upon her nose (along with a broken nose that didn't set entirely right). The nose scar has varied in position with every iteration of her, so the exact placing isn't precise, but it needs to be there.
  • While her body hair is naturally pink, her eyelashes do not necessarily have to be. She also wears pink eyeshadow a lot of the time. A lot of her favorite clothes are red and white because that creates pink. The clothing colors are not a necessity but they are her favorite!
  • Her tattoos go along her upper cheeks and forehead. They represent the goddess she has chosen to worship and she cannot be without her tattoos. In modern incarnations, she may also have a tiny tattoo of a rabbit on her wrist or ankle.


Ability Name 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In maximus placerat posuere. Quisque venenatis nulla suscipit neque ultrices elementum. Etiam non sem sapien.

Ability Name 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In maximus placerat posuere. Quisque venenatis nulla suscipit neque ultrices elementum. Etiam non sem sapien.

Ability Name 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In maximus placerat posuere. Quisque venenatis nulla suscipit neque ultrices elementum. Etiam non sem sapien.

Ability Name 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In maximus placerat posuere. Quisque venenatis nulla suscipit neque ultrices elementum. Etiam non sem sapien.


[ relationship ]


Character Name

Donec varius tempus congue. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean turpis risus, porta id lacus a, ultrices mattis augue.

[ relationship ]


Character Name

Donec varius tempus congue. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean turpis risus, porta id lacus a, ultrices mattis augue.

[ relationship ]


Character Name

Donec varius tempus congue. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean turpis risus, porta id lacus a, ultrices mattis augue.

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