Aeronwen Conall



2 years, 11 months ago


'Aeronwen Conall'

She/Her CisFemale

Autumn October 22nd




Wolf Shifter

Healer/Fae Smuggler


Edge of Capital/Black Wolf Peaks



Aeronwen is a seemingly harmless, warm and friendly old healer of the region, with a positive relationship with her peers and local community. She is known to offer fair prices for healing and small textile trades, as well as opening her home to the occasional traveler. However, unknown to her human peers is that Aeronwen is a Wolf Shifter of ancient oriigns, her family having fled the purging of Mt.Besanzieu where many strong shifter families once thrived until the Church burned their island home. Aero is now the last Shifter of the Conall line, shifters who were known for their strong spiritual connection and natural healing abilities as well as pelts of night and fire.

Aero is a proud fae, though only in hiding to ensure her freedom to act in the benifit of other faes, using her human face to help struggling fae and offer a place of solace. Her family since fleeing to the mainland have operated this way for many years which Aero holds strong values for, it is her dream to one day see a world where fae and humans walk equally and is devoted to helping bring this world about. Though her ideals are muddied by her contempt for the Church where her ire is turned to, believing them to be abusing the name of Helios and using power to control and destroy helpless lives.

Despite this Aeronwen is known to be a mostly accepting and patient soul, a deeply matenral figure with a sense of serenity to her. She is able to keep her cool in most situations and has dealt with her fair share of troublesome folk. She is committed to the cause of helping fae kind but is cautious against those who seek to cause senseless harm. She curretnly operates on the edge of the Capital near the city of Myrwydwyn by the Black Wolf Pass, living secludedly to enjoy the peace of nature, but also to ensure the safety and privacy of fae who live under her care and access the secret passage granted to her by the Spirits of The Pass. The Spirits and Conall's share their island origins and over the years Aero's family have come to be aware of the Spirits presence in the Pass, coming to know ther true names once Aero broke their mutual weariness and struck a deal with them. From her pact Aero and her family have been granted easy access through the pass with even a view of their lost home, in exchange Aero provides a life to the Spirits. It is a grim exchange which Aero accepts the burden of, usually picking souls she believe won't be missed, but the weight of sacraficing a soul is heavy and the shifter allows her soul to be damned so that the young, especially her child, may live a brighter future.

Aeronwen is an ally of the Adventures Guild and all fae who come to her looking for aid, always willing to help heal any weary souls as well as fight for a bright future. She works to smuggle fleeing beastials into Haven, a hidden beastial village under Lady Daimhín in Blackwolf or give instructions to braver souls to venture south to the Fieldlands where the rest of the Conall family now reside and offer solace and work to lost souls.


Strength 0

Inteligence 2

Dexterity 0

Wisdom 1

Constitution 0

Charisma 1


  • Family
  • Cooking
  • Rainy Weather
  • Healing/helping others
  • Singing/Dancing
  • Living as a wolf


  • The Church
  • Bigotry
  • Clerics
  • Injustice
  • Unseasoned food
  • Difficult patients


Embresta’s Gift *wip*




Before her birth the Conalls lived on the island of Mt. Besanzieu, a once lush and thriving island of Shifter covens where the Conalls were known for their spiritualism and superior healing techniques, a coven of proud and powerful wolves with pelts of night speckled with stars and embers. The covens were known to be at odds for their resources and though not above fighting for their rights, the Conalls were more of a peaceful pack, preferring trading and making deals to avoid needless bloodshed and ensure their families saftey. Though they had the power and ferocity to fight if need be.

However it would all be for naught when the Grey Pestilence came and the island was purged of its inhabitants. Miraculously the matriarch of the Connals and her two daughters were able to flee, but the rest of their family were lost to the fires as they had no choice but to swim to the mainland. On their journey to shore the group was seperated as the eldest daughter was swept by the waves out of sight of her family. By morning her mother and sister had landed on the shores of Norcrest but were forced to flee as humans became vigilant in their persecution. They spent months searching for their lost pups trail but with a heavy heart their mother had accepted that her daughter was no longer with them and focused her attentions on keeping her youngest alive.

Broken by her grief the Conall Matriarch spent her years traveling with her youngest daughter trying to survive and keep their culture alive in any small way they could, learning to keep their ways private and hiding secrets within their textiles and learning to only share knowledge by the mouth and never the written word. Their Shifter nature was their most coveted secret that they took all measures to protect, however it was the Matriarchs greatest wish to find her daughter a suitable partner to continue the Shifter line. Sadly she passed with no Shifter grandchildren, but was happy for the beastial family her surviving daughter had made

With her mother passed the youngest now took the mantle of Matriarch and conitnued the family buisness as wandering healers, trabeling in a large caravan spilling with herbs and textiles to trade and a kind disposition to weary travelers, having been softened by the hardship they've experience and turning deeper to their secret practice of the Gods, both Helios and Umbra. In old age the Matriarch came across a young red headed child who bore a striking resemblance to her lost sister. Without question she was taken in and over time it was discovered that she too WAS a Wolf Shifter and sported the signiture pelt of the Conalls. Their family had been reuntied, although bitter sweet and the Matriarch had learned that her sister HAD lived and even found love in a fellow shifter, but had died not long ago. In honour of her sister the Matriach took in her niece and rasied her amongst her blended family of humans and fae, teaching her the Conall ways and naming her the next Matriarch until years later she found herself a Shifter husband and gave birth to her only child, Aeronwen.


Aeronwen was raised as a happy and curious child of the Conall family, knowing that she would one day be its Matriarch she took the responsabilities with garce and strove to excell in her all lessons and become a model Shifter of the Conall coven. It did not take her long to show her natural talent in finding and applying herbal rememdies, proving herself to be an adept learning and a passionate healer worth of the family name. Her compassion was strong and spread beyond those phsyically unwell, growing with a deep love for her beastial cousins and slowly realising the harsh world they were living under. Even for her with her human face was always under the threat of being found out. As she grew Aeronwen became more emboldened to change the world for the better

She eagerly took on the reigns of the Travelers in her family and enjoyed the life of a wandering healer and secret smuggler of beastials in need of aid, helping themunder guise to escape persecution and smuggling them to safer areas where they may have a better chance of survival. She took a reckless glee in sticking it to the humans and Sun gazers who condemed her people, but it was only when she set her eyes on her island home in the distance that the true severity of her origins hit her and she realised how easily her attempts could be thwarted, how fast her family and fellow fae could be taken from her. From then on she became more cautious and smarter in her methods and set her passions towards creating a safer and brighter future between humans and fae, learning not to hate the long pigs who did not know better and to instead find a way to make a world where they could live side by side equally


As she grew into adulthood Aero made many friends and allies on her journey, growing close to Yseult and her family before she became leader of her own group of fae liberators and fellow shifters in hiding seeking to make a small difference in the world. It was a good step towards progress in Aero's eyes but also not enough as she long to dismantle the powers the continued to push them into the dirt, but the Church was no easy force to fight.

Along her travels her family came across a young feline beastial, Eek, abandoned in the rain with no where to go. Aero, as she always had, offered them a ride to town and a place to stay for the night which then turned to many more nights as Eek was welcomed to stay for as long as they pleased. Aero took interest in ensuring the young beastial was comfortable amongst her family and overtime grew a close bond with Eek, growing maternal and loving them as though they were her own. She kept her feelings to herself until Eek expressed similar feelings and Aero was able to embrace Eek completely as her child. They've been inseperable ever since

Time passed and Aeronwen grew weary of her life, never for her mission but more for the futility she felt. Of course she would never give up on her pursuit for equality, but the Church never failed to dappen her hopes. So she turned to prayer and the Gods for answers and was lead to an abandoned home on the cusps of the Capital, long forgotten but not without worth. Aero took this home as a sign from the Gods that her place was here until a further purpose came and tasked herself and the family with repairing the home until it was suitable for herself and Eek to live in as well as for treating patients. Aero was quick to estbalish herself as a healer and gained buisness soon enough, however sshe turned her gaze to the dark woods ahead.

Aero did not think her new home being placed so close to the Spirits was a conicidence. She believed it to be a sign from the Gods that she was to contct the ancient family, one her own knew only rumours of and had always warned her to be weary. Aero felt apprehension to meet the spirits, ancient Dread Wolves of Mt. Besanzieu, but knew that the bindings of their ancient blood was important to honour and with great respect offered an alliance to the Gables, being granted safety through their mountin home with a secret pass only she and her kin may use under the payment of a living life. Aero outwardly kept a brave face and swore to this pact, though inside she was forced to steel herslef to the dread of sacraficing life. But it would be worth it, would it not? To ensure her family a safe passage to Haven if ever needed?

Current time

It has been two years since her pact with the Spirits and Aero has lived relativly peacefully in her new home. Long has her family seperated to continue their journey while she and Eek stayed behind caring for travelings and the ill as well as fleeing beastials who come her way.

Something that shook her home was the arrival of Juniper and Tiberius, a Priestess and son of the Grandmaster Cleric. Aero was shocked by his arrival and fueled by anger sought to poison the boy before he grew into a larger monster then his father, but was stopped by his 'wife' who revealed herself to be a blessed child of the moon. A beastial infernal. Aero was stunned and shammed for her actions and put into a state of deep thought, believing Juniper to be another sign from the Gods and perhaps her love for her Cleric a hope for a better future? She has been left feeling remoursful for her actions and the horrible concequences they would have caused had she succeeded and has been contemplating her views on the Church, wondering if perhaps they too are victims

Upon Eeks return Aero admits to her crime which shakes her relationship with her child who cannot accept the blood she tried to spill in their very home. Aero accepts the weariness Eek shows to her and promises to do whatever she can to earn their trust and prove herself to having learned better

Not long later she recieves a letter asking Al for aid and Aero is quick to send as many healing packages as she can to the Warden, sending Hemlock to Haven as an extra pair of healing hands. On her return home she is given another letter from Morgan who explains their involvement in the destruction of a town and the near deaths of children. Dissapointed and sadden by the news Aero personally chooses to turn Morgan away and hopes for them to learn from this grave mistake as she must.


  • The Conalls are Polythiest. Their knowledge on all Gods are limited but they DO believe that there are more forces at work then just that of the sun and moon. To them all aspects of the natural world is the workd of Gods and perhaps even spirits. Many of their practices and healings involves blessings from nature and communing with the natrual power. They are Green Witches.
  • The Conalls are proud Shifters and thus the line of succession goes through that of the Shifter bloodline. Aero's grandmother was always meant to be next in line once her Great Grandmother passed, however due to their sepration it was her Aunt who took over. Once her mother was discovered she became next to inherit the family leadership, which meant disinheriting her mothers cousin. This lead to family tension which has been since resolved though Aero knows her non Shifter relatives feel the sting of knowing their bloodline is not revered or considered as special as her shifter kin and works doubly hard to show them love and kindness to make up the difference.
  • The Conalls are split into three groups, the settlers who live in the Fieldlands close to The Rowsevain Peaks where the abandoned Moon Mother temple resides. This is where the old and young members of the family reside, here they offer healing and larger trade of textile and resources, having their own land to cultivate resources. The second are the Travelers, those who continue the family trade of wandering and providing aid to all those in need. Finally is Aeronwen who has split from the family in a pursuit of increasing her knowlegde of the world and furthering her goals.
  • Eventually it is expected for Aeronwen to return to her family as acting matriarch and to find a shifter partner to have children with, though it is not expected for her to love nor wed this person as they are simply intersted in continuing the ancient liniage of their shifter origins. Aero is intersted in having children but is in no rush and loves her adopted child, Eek, just as much as she would her own. She does not value shifterhood above anything else.
  • The Conalls wolf forms are based on a hybrid of Timberwolves (Grey Wolves) and Redwolves. Red Timberwolves. Her father was a Grey Wolf Shifter so Aero is a Red Timber wolf x Grey wolf Hybird making her large, agile and strong. In Wolf form she is 3'6 ft tall, 7 feet long and weigh 175 lb. The Conalls were known for having black pelts with flecks of silver or ember depending on the season that reflected the stars and fire, Sun and Moon.
  • Aero has tattoos on each shoulder, one the sun and the other the moon. This pattern is hidden under a different design. Her family, including Aero, are able to tattoo and have skills in various textiles like knitting, weaving and sewing as well as being excellent cooks and cultivators of the land. They're adept at surviving off of the land and prefer to live in the fields as opposed to stuffy cities.
  • All the beastials in the family, when questioned by potentialy threats, are under the guise of being the servants of the humans in the family, i.e the Shifters and any human who had entered the family.
  • Her allias is Arrow/Black Arrow. Her family have secret totems and landmarks that Aero shows to fleeing fae in order to safely lead them to her family in the Fieldlands. She also forms alliances wh omay aid her in. Such alliances include: Lady Ginger Daimhín and her cousin Alouette Daimhin, Yseult and the Adventure guild, Blaise a fellow wolf shifter, Hemlock the traveling herbalist, Morgan and finally the Gables, otherwise known as the Spirits of the Pass.
  • The Conalls have a secret shrine, a small assembly of rocks and offerings put on a cliff with their old island home in the distance that they visit to give their respects and commune with heir ancestors. A solem place of respect and mourning for the elders in the family.
  • Her Voice Claim is Moll from Wolfwalkers.

RP Tracker

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris.
  • Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.
  • Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit.
  • In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo.
  • Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo. Phasellus mollis placerat libero, non euismod diam sodales eget.


Eek Conall [ Child ]

Aeronwen deeply loves her child Eek and considers them to be hers whole heartedly. They are her heart and joy and perhaps her greatest love, she would do anything to ensure their happiness and safety, longing to give them a world where they may have both. She is deeply ashamed of the pain they caused them and beleives she deserves all the ire they may have for her now, their dissapoinment in her cuts deeper then any sword but she takes it in stride believing it to be her cross to bare and motivation to do better.

Yseult [ Sudo Niece ]

Though their paths do not cross often Aero remembers Yseult fondly and was there for her youth, encouraging her fire and believing in her abilities as a young woman aspiring for more. Their families were friends and offered each other aid and Aero mourned their loss as deeply as Yseult and vowed to support her in all her endevours, becoming a long time ally for the young freedom fighter. Aero considers her family and is so proud of her achievments like an aunt would.


Not much is known to Aero about Salem and his family beyond the rumours passed down to her from her elders who only knew passing whispers about the Dread Wolves of their Island home. Aero does not wish to form bad blood with the Spirits and respects their claim and ancient practices, whatever they may be. Though she senses darkness in their methods she choses to look the other way.


Though she holds no love for the Church she DOES feel remourse for nearly killing the boy who had come to her wounded and in pain. Aero had steeled herself not to care for such the suffering of a murderer, but at night she sees his face innocent and conorted with the world burning around her and finds her resolve faltering. It was wrong to try and kill him and she accpets it. She is unsure how to feel about him nor his peers, but from Junes intervention she is willing to give him a chance and perhaps get to know the man behind the sword


The young Priestess has certainly given Aero a lot to think about and though June does not think kindly of her Aero holds no ill will towards her and may even be grateful for her intervention. Aero does regret her treatment of the pair especially as a healer sworn to do good and a fae who yearns for a better world, in some way she wishes to make amends with June and show that she was wrong. Deep down Aero believs Junes existance and relationship to Ty to be a sign from the Gods, the chance for a better world that she had always longed for. She is invested in the wellbeing of the young Priestess and her future.

Blaise [ Friends ]

Aero is still quite shocked to have met another wolf shifter but is grateful to have done so as she now considers Blaise a dear friend, albeit one who is in need of finding his own light. Aero worries for the lonley farmer as his views of himself and thier nature as shifters is alarming as well as his connection to the Church that she is not thrilled over. However, she offers the man kindness and a guiding hand to show him the beuaty in their magic and hopes he is able to find love for himself.

Morgen [ Former Allies ]

Aero and Moregn had always had a strange relationship, having met when Morgen took a bite out of her neck, but through the years Aero had thought her weary friendship with Morgen had taught them to control their aggression towards others and is dissapointed to see it has not. Aero does not approve of Morgen's actions and hopes spending time away will show them a better light as she can no longer accept them in her life. Though she is not on good terms with the beastial she does wish them the best.


Aero shares an alliance with Ginger who Aero respects enough to appreciate her work helping fae right under the nose of nobility, an extremely precarious position to have which Aero admires. Though the pair are hardly close Aero does find kinship in their Shifter heritage, often it can feel lonley to be a fae trapped in the human world. She prays for Gingers safety and for her secrets to stay guarded

Alouette "Al" Ó Daimhín [ Close Allies/Friends ]

Though Aero appreciates the work of the Lady Ginger, it is the Warden Al who the Shifter does her business with and shares many of the same passions. Aero's respect and affection for Al is deep, much more then that of their cousin, with a healthy dose of exasperation from the beastials insistance of working themselves to the bone. Aero finds herself scolding them often for their recklessness though understands it comes from a place of deep care and desperation. Aero may be allies with the Noble Deers, but in the end she considers Al to be a dear friend and welcomes their company.

Sweet Pea [ Family Friends ]

Aero remembers the young beastial from her time visiting her family home in the Fieldlands, the Fleur and Conall's being trade partners and close friends so Aero has been in contact with her family over the years and knew Sweet Pea when she was young. She remembers her fondly for being bright and adventerous and blessed her with the hopes of a prosperous future.