


2 years, 10 months ago


...Proof that Starclan's realm sits over the glass ceiling...
Name Pearlstar

Former Names Pearlkit

Gender Female, She/her

Orientation Bisexual

Mentor Unimportant

Rank Ex-leader

Residence Starclan

Code By jiko

Pearlstar's kins include Albion- Vast Error (Marina- Ke$hastuck and Princess Bubblegum) Miss Piggy (Rarity and Pony Head- svtfoe) Glinda- Wicked (Apple White and Sophie- School for Good and Evil) Queen Watevra Wa'Nabi- Lego Movie 2 (Velma Von Tussle- Hairspray, Alice Angel- Bendy)
Everything and More

For the Music-Abba

All Eyes on Me

Viva la Vida (funk)

Sparkling Diamonds

Miss Baltimore Crabs

Ancient Dreams- Marina

Purge the Poison

Something wrong, once

Winner Takes it All

Tango Dancer

Black Hole Sun

Soldier and Rose


Pearlstar effectively utilizes girlpower by illegally funneling money into secret paramilitary death squads in northern Thunderclan. She’s just queenin. She’s the kind of woman that makes other woman want to up their game. She is Prada and you are Nada. Starclan sits far above the glass ceiling. Get your game face on, go out there, and fight like a girl!

Pearlstar is meant to embody everything wrong with Starclan. She's moralizing, she's a hypocrite, she gets involved enough to stir up drama but never enough to meaningfully solve any problems. She's bound to the code, but encourages cats to break it if it will be beneficial to her in the long run, or if she thinks it would be funny. She holds other, living cats, to a standard no-one should have to live up to. She covers the moon with clouds at gatherings if the leaders are annoying her. She will NOT mind her buisness when it comes to shipping living cats together! She's willing to excuse horrific acts if they're done in the name of the code, or if the perpetrator is some angsty dude who says he's sorry or whatever.

Pearlstar always feels like she needs to be top dog. She needs to be involved in every story to some extent, helping along the cats that have more involving lives than her. Or, lives to live at all. She lives for drama, and will drop any and all moral princibles if it means things might get more interesting, or work out in her favor. Over all, though, she NEEDS cats to recognize that SHE's the one helping them, so she can keep up her refreshed, youthful look in Starclan forever and ever. She doesn't instigate problems as much as she sows seeds for future conflict. (Using cats faith in Starclan to scare them, leaving around random signs that may or not mean anything, just straight up making shit up and passing it off as prophetic or destiny-bound.)

Design notes
  • Lineart is always rainbow!
  • Flexible design. Can add and subtract minimal patterns and "hair"styles
  • Can break physics with the design. reaching into herself or detatching/reattatching limbs
  • Sometimes has a pearl texture overlayed onto her
  • Sparkly!!!
  • Mandatory for her to be pudgier
Other things about her!

-In Starclan, Pearlstar likes to take bets on love triangles, and usually has a network of cats keeping each other updated on the JUICIEST living gossip. She's not afraid to meddle in cats love lives to win these bets either.

Check out her Pinterest!

  • Shiny things!
  • Accessories
  • Well-groomed rugged-types
  • Theatrics
  • Gossip
  • pop-feminism
  • Praise
  • Callout posts (about her)
  • Open Communication
  • Aging :,(
  • Consequences


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

In life, Pearlstar was golden. Daughter of the Riverclan leader, she lived like a movie star. She was a beloved Shirley-Temple type as a kid, who always had lessons to share, dance numbers to preform, and an adorable little attitude. When she got older, she was lauded as a beauty *icon*, and took the role as the clan's new deputy. (the old one didn't die or anything, everyone just thought she deserved it more cause she's awesome.)

As she aged, she grew restless. Though other cats respected her as a legend, it was always in some nostalgic way, some reference to her former glory. She couldn't bare to lose the spotlight. The cause of death was unclear.

In Starclan, Pearlstar was back to her former, youthful self. She delighted in the attention she recieved, and the power it gave her to seem larger than life to the living. She could personally make sure her legacy was secure by guiding cats paws in her favor, and she didn't really seem phased when those she loved in life faded away while she was still brilliant and opaque.


  • Name Meaning
  • Pearl — The world is her oyster! She was pearly and glittery and lived in Riverclan when she was alive.
  • Coat — Her fur wraps around her like a glamorous expensive coat! Also her fur is shiny
  • Star - She was leader of Riverclan until she died, and started bossing everyone around in Starclan afterwards! Stars have become an inseperable part of her identity.

Great great great (x10) aunt/Rival, Deceased

Fucking, Amberkit. She CANNOT stand that snotty bitch. Quietly, though, of course. Though Amberkit may be centuries older than her, she's still... a baby... and if anyone were to hear how up-the-wall she drives Pearlstar, theres no way they'd take her seriously! Still... What a wretched little-

Amberkit has been in Starclan since its invention, never fading by nature of being a martyr, who's death resulted in the Warrior Code's banning of kitten soldiers. Since her story had been passed down from generation to generation, she ends up outlasting most other spirits in the afterlife. Though she's stuck in the form of a kit, she's been around long enough to know how to boss people around and keep order in Starclan, making sure cats are kept in line and following the code.

Pearlstar's antics annoy the hell out of her, and they end up competing for attention and status, typically through passive aggression and petty, underhanded maneuvers.

Pupil, Alive

Pinkberry was Pearlstar's second choice for Riverclan's future leader. She could tell it would be important soon to have cats in charge that would stay loyal to Starclan and the warrior code. Pinkberry made the perfect pupil. Glamorous, ambitious, and eager to succeed. Pearlstar trained her at night, how to deal with difficult cats or tricky social situations. Sometimes Pearlstar would even alter her dreams or take over them completely to make sure she was on the right track, even subconsiously. She taught her most of what she learned from being a leader, and drilled into her that it was her destiny to be the next deputy.

but, that was a lie, and it wasn't. When Pinkberry learned that Mudanger would be picked instead of her, she held a grudge with Starclan, and especially Pearlstar for letting her down. After some radio silence, though, Pearlstar's meddling with the living world became a valuable asset in Pinkberry's plans for taking her rival down.

Great(x10) neice, Alive

For generations, Pearlstar's lineage has stood the test of time. Balancing between the stars and the sky, she's spent countless generations channeling her anscestors before her, letting her descendants thrive under the glorious accumulation of years of hopes, dreams, wishes, aspirations and bloody glories; under the blinding beaming light of pure radiance and love of passed down victory... And then there's Mudanger.

It seems to Pearlstar that the only thing Mudanger inhereted from her were her purple eyes. (of course, grayer and dumber than Pearlstar's own). She was completely stumped when she approached Mudanger as an apprentice for the first time, and was immediately shot down. No one before her, ESPECIALLY not in their lineage, had dared reject her help- especially not so rudely!! The gall!!!... Now Pearlstar jumps at any chance to be petty back towards her, especially through Pinkberry.