


2 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info




Weevil is also her nickname used by her friends

She likes angel cakes and peach wine and enjoys laying in hammocks or hanging out at the beach (laying in the waves is fun). She is a big fan of cosplay, though she doesn't participate a lot she loves supporting creators who do and dreams of being able to make or own her own cosplay outfits some day. She makes microwaved s'mores when she's sad. They always make her actually do something more conducive to changing her mood because they don't taste that good. She's fond of back-packing and rollerblading, and is currently trying to learn skateboarding. 

Her favorite time to fly is when the night sky is a light tinted blue, and you can still see all the stars. Especially in forested mountains and valleys- she loves flying there. 

She naps at noon and at 3pm-4pm and then sleeps again sometimes from 2:30am to 4:30am. She likes to watercolor paint.

She dreams of getting a house on a mountainside in a forest, a little cute cottage where she can paint and draw and create and go on long flights through the night at.