


2 years, 11 months ago


They are an artificial intelligence created to identify and suppress Mal- and Spyware infecting the supporting applications used by and in Protogen technology, such as Watcher.exe or Tricko. To be applied, affected units or especially endangered units are able to download them of central networks and run them in parallel to their usual programs, making use of advanced clouds. Prometheus will additionally passivly scan all connected Protogens for signs of Infection. The treatment this particular specimen of AI uses differs significatly from those of other applications, as Multiple, inconventional approaches to isolate and delete viruses are undertaken by it, making it difficult to dodge and/or repell by most common malwares. However, the self-writing Code of this sapient intelligence is prone to instabilities, and the program itself, while being a self-aware individual, lacks the understanding of complex emotions. The picture above Shows its avatar, that appears when the program is executed.
There are rumours that the application, much like Tricko, was once a biological individual, but information about this is sparsely found and often locked behind firewalls.