
8 years, 10 months ago

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"That I take these for granted you say? They made me powerful! I was created to rule these waters!"


The Merciless Sea

There is a tale that mentions one, who refused to let the waters rule their life. They would fish, swim and even build over the water, refusing to hear any warning. In a rage, the sea itself reached to land, in the form of a towering monster, and claimed their life.

Kai was the entity left behind by the Creators; he has the power to move and shape the waters to his own will, due to this, he believes he was resurrected to rule the sea. This has lead him to become a power hungry and extremely arrogant creature. He will attack anything that challenges his territory, from fishing boats to unsuspecting visitors.

He is feared, one of his myths says that he has whipped a town from the map just for taking a single fish.