Autumn Colt



2 years, 11 months ago


A centaur from a rural mountain community, Autumn originally intended to just lead a little cyclops youth through the hills, but quickly realized this kid is alone and brainless as all hell. The next plan was to make sure they made it to the next twofoot town, but unfortunately, chaos ensued.

Autumn is quick on his way to becoming a well-respected member of the community, but he doesn't want to be well-respected. He wants to hunt. He is, unfortunately, tragically unskilled at it, and no matter how hard he tries, the muscles and grip needed for longbowmanship never form. He is doomed to tracking and leaving it to the more capable. 

He hates to admit it, but he's best in nurturing roles like animal husbandry and childcare. His meticulous eye for detail and empathetic heart keeps even the most unruly characters calm in his presence.