


6 years, 10 months ago


Pleiadesmon/Pleiadimon, Also known as, The, Lady of the Pleiades.

As rumor has it, Pleiadesmon originates from Messier 45, also known as, The Pleiades Star Cluster.
The exact region is unknown.

She was born when the elements that created the universe and the Pleiadians powerful emotions of love, hope and the unyielding willingness to protect, Combined in the heat of war.
She became a Pleiadian Guardian.
It's said that the original Pleiadesmon is immortal, being around before the day the Pleiadians landed on Earth, and met the inhabitants. She is rarely seen, and, normally, only appears when she is needed.

Level: Mega
Type: Pleiadian Celestial Dragon
Attribute: Vaccine
Element: Light
Family: Virus Busters,  Dragon's Roar, Wind Guardians
Ultimate level, Digivolves From: Mihiramon/????
Burst Mode: Currently Unknown

Seven Star Fusion Impact
(Light is drawn into seven orbs, rotating around Pleiadesmon. Each orb can strike a different target or fuse into one big orb which then bursts on impact, shattering like glass and causing slight but, extra damage each time the enemy moves with in that area. The glass like energy shards remain in effect as long as there is a light source. At night or in a dark area, the energy shards cause extra damage that turn but, dissipate right away.) 
Aphelion/Perihelion Rupture
( Creating either a flash freezing or intense heat aura around the Teeth, Claws or, Horns. Pleiadesmon will attempt to strike and damage the target.)
Gamma Ray Burst
(Pleiadesmon stores up energy over the course of battle, releasing it all in at once, in one powerful burst of intense energy.)
Spiraling Galactic Sphere
(Pleiadesmon creates a tiny void which forms a small spiraling galaxy of brightly colored space dust and gases. The enemy Digimon can be trapped and orbit around the small void until it dissipates. While this attack may not cause harm directly, it captures enemies, making them unable to attack for the duration of the voids lifespan. This move requires access to open sky.)

Pleiadimon © Zenkitsune (Techni)
Pleiadesmon is a closed species.
Original Character, Design and, Concept and Info. All rights reserved.
Credit for the character design and image © Artha-Demon

Thankies so much, Artha! <3
Original Species, Design, Character, Story, Concept ©2012 ZenKitsune
Artwork ©2012 Artha-Demon