Richard King



2 years, 10 months ago


Richard King; age 26, born on April 4th 1854 in London, England. Born into a high-standing noble family, Richard was spoiled from a young age. He became entitled and violent, firing staff for the littlest things. He believed everything he wanted should be his, and constantly harassed women. As he grew up, Richard threw his money around carelessly with no consideration towards his future. He got into a prestigious university but slacked off greatly, and graduated with nothing to show. Richard’s parents pitied him and supported him with all his needs and wants. Though, because they were high-ranking nobles, they had people constantly coming for their head. Because of this, his parents hardly ever went outside, and neither did Richard. His family became recluses, but few months passed before his parents lives were finally taken, and thus, Richard became the head of the King household. This didn’t last long though, since he had slacked off for years and never studied properly he didn’t know how to run a noble household. He started selling off their land and businesses, using the money for his own personal needs like women and drinks. Full of himself, he used and killed as many women and people he desired. Little time passed, and eventually his crimes were brought to light. Richard was stripped of his status and not being able to pay for the estate, lost it. He was furious and protested that he would never live this way, but nobody listened. Eventually, he learned any kind of endeavor was futile, and submitted to his fate as a commoner. Though his evil deeds would never be forgotten, he now lives a much more frugal life as a commoner.