Sigmund Cortez



2 years, 9 months ago


Name:Sigmund Cortez
Gender: Male
Feral Height: Lopdiemis
Gijinka Height: 1.90ft
Blood Color: Red

Theme/TH Link/Etc/tba

[Gift Status]
Art [✔]
Writing [✔]


  • Treasures
  • Rob
  • Good Food
  • Good Fights


  • Kindness
  • Bad humor
  • Weaklings
  • Puzzles (so bad at them)

Sigmund is extrovert | workaholic | Too Perfeccionist | and sometimes a hard head.

Picks on fights first, doesn't like to lose or leave a living body, if he starts something he HAS to finish it at all costs even if he doesn't like it at all, such as puzzles or mysteries. He rather prefers to make the job done than giving the job to others. Really good "leader" if you can call that a leader if he can make fun or make your life impossible, HE WILL! Tho he does love his Toybi companion, a Saurus Toybi raised from the darkness of his heart. And has a little bit of compassion for his second hand Leah.

Sigmund is the villain from Origins. Without him, most stories wouldn't make sense at all, not even the end. In the past he fought with an old Kami from a ship between a storm and tried to kill everyone inside, just managed to kill the captain and the crew, but one thing escaped from his paws. In his journey he wanted to take all treasures capable to make him stronger, like an enchanted necklace and thus went to look for one. There he lost his right eye from the paws of a Royal King, sadly, the King lost his life and send his baby to somewhere safe, a witch would take care of that egg. Knowing that, Sigmund search for the egg, but to no avail. The necklace was somewhere else.

Finally met with two adventurers, one of them carrying the necklace and an egg, managed to escape and leave the egg in safety. Sigmund tho found them and killed both, never found the egg again nor the necklace. Desperate he is looking for that. Nowadays has a huge crew of bandits from different worlds, Jawabys, Mumeirus, Ryfels, and Shourinokobis following his steps. With the help of Leah and his Toybi he will find answers and will get what he has been looking for all this time. Will he success... or maybe fail?


  • He has more closer relationship with Aegis, Arthas, and Astrea.
  • The two Kamis that he killed before were Siara's parents.
  • He might have lose an eye, but he has better hearing than vision.
  • Totally in love with his pet.
  • His gender is Male in base like, but he refers as himself as Bi, he has likes for both genders at the end of the day.

[Relationships] (links are from Kamishibas site)

Leah ✦ [ Second Hand ]
Met Leah when she was lost in Dysania Forest, trapped in some vines she asked for his help, not afraid of him, he decided to help and let her go. For his surprise she promised to follow him wherever he goes, since then both have an strange relationship of boss and second hand, most of his surprise, she's really wicked in a very small body. He understood that appearance can be deceiving.

Sour ✦ [ Pet Companion ]
Sour (temporal name) is his pet companion, raised him to be the best pet of all. With his sharp claws and horns can do anything, break rocks or even for hunting. Is the only creature that lets Sigmund show his "soft" side. More like a father getting used to the new kitty at home.

Walther ✦ [ Enemy ]
One of his first victims, the reason that the enchanted pendant has been a real task to obtain.

Name ✦ [ TBA ]
Looking For.

Layout by grimalchimia