


2 years, 11 months ago



Name: Albert

Name Meaning: -

Past Names:


Sex: Tom

Age: 20 moons



Current Rank: Underling 

Former Rank(s): 

Current Residence: Pioneers

Former Residence: Farm



Biological Mother(s): 

Biological Father(s): 

Biological Brother(s): 

Biological Sister(s): N/A


Friends: Plants

Enemies: N/A

Paired Mate: N/A

Former Mate: N/A

Crush(s): N/A

Kit(s): N/A



Eye Colour: Green

Pelt/Markings: Ginger and silver tabby with light neck and underbelly 

Nose Colour: pink

Scarring: N/A

Fur Length(s): Short with tufted ears

Body shape: normal

Unusual Body Physiques: N/A




Trainee(s): N/A




A friendly and gentle soul but prefers the company of plants to anything else. 


Albert was born on a farm, his parents were both farm cats who lived alongside humans symbiotically. He was taught to hunt his own food and made aware of dangers by his parents who loved him dearly. Being their only kitten, Albert was doted on. 

Albert was named not by his parents, but by the little girl who loved at the farm, she would often play with him and bring him treats. She said because of his ear tufts and grey fur he looked like an old man. 

Together, him and the little girl would spend a lot of time in the greenhouse, tending to a vast collection of vegetables, herbs and other plants. 

One day, as Albert lay curled in the little girls lap, she placed her hand down behind her to lean back and landed on his fathers tail. 

Shocked and hurt, instinctively his father turned and bit the little girls hand, causing her to squeal and cry out.

The little girls father was near by and came running with his gun, seeing her bleeding hand he without question lifted the gun and shot Albert's parents on the spot. 

Albert was spared as the little girl sobbed, clutching and guarding him, protecting him. 

Albert knew it wasn't her fault what happened, but he also knew he couldn't stay there anymore, what if he was next? 

With a heavy heart the next afternoon, Albert left the girl sleeping on a pile of hay in the sun and never returned