Ishimoto, Yutaka



2 years, 11 months ago


Basic Info
Ishimoto, Yutaka
Ishi or Yuta
Aug 24
2nd Year
5'7 - 170.18 cm
Volleyball (Wing Spiker)
Dorm Room
  • Cats
  • Volleyball
  • Hair products
  • The scent of Vanilla
  • Social Media
  • The summer heat
  • Walking up hills
  • The dark
  • Heights
  • Voice Claim: WIP.
  • Spotify Playlist: WIP
  • He usually has a emergency makeup kit for people how need it.
  • He will go mama bear mode if a friend is in trouble.
Compassionate . Good Natured . Caring

Gullible . Sly . Passive

Despite looking like your stereotypical pretty popular boy; Yutaka is actually very caring and thoughtful. He could honeslty been seen as the mom friend and is one of the best people to talk to about your problems. However, he tends to be quite emotional and his ego will get the better of him.


TLDR: Adopted by a wealthy family, Yutaka was raised by loving parents and alongside other adopted siblings. He started playing volleyball because he wanted to be a professional like his brother. Once in highschool, he became captain of his team but ended up transfering to Aijsai Academy due to bullying.

Born in Yokohama, Yutaka's biological mother was unable to take care of him due to her own personal issues and habits. She willingly gave him up for adoption and he was soon put into the Ishimoto family; known for being wealthy but kind-hearted. They were praised for their contributions to the community and donations to various charities. Yutaka was accepted into the family with loving open arms and easily fit in with the rest of the family; eventually having three other adoptive siblings.

Throughout school, he was quite shy but occasionally got teased for his heterochromia; desite his parents telling him that they believed his eyes were beautiful and unique. As a stress reliever, Yuta's older brother, who would eventually become a professional volleyball player, convinced him to play with him. This made a young Yutaka fall in love with the sport and hoped that someday he could be as good as his brother. So over the years, he practiced and became more confident with himself.

By the time he was in highschool, he was quite proud at how far he has come. Yutaka finally became captain of his volleyball team and was popular around the school. However, what he didn't know is that he was being taken advantage of. People who he thought were his friends were only there for popularity and soon he became the running joke around the team. Finally having enough, the Ishimoto's decided to move away to Tokyo and enrolling their son to Ajisai Academy. Hopefully being here will make his last year of school the best.

Riko Ishimoto | Mother

"What could I do without my mother? She's been there for me throughout the difficult moments. Even though she's not blood, that doesn't take it away that she's still my mother. I'm thankful she's so accepting of me and on fridays we like to do eachothers makeup! :)

"He breaks the stereotype that rich people are snobby. Probably one of the funniest dudes I ever met. I'm glad he's my dad."

"He's my brother but he's also my best friend. Without him, I would've never gotten into volleyball. I'm really proud of how far he's gone; now that he's on a team in Portugal, I can't see him often."

Keiko Ishimoto | Sister

"Just a little bundle of joy, I enjoy playing house with her but I wish that she gave me more privacy."

Naoko Ishimoto | Sister

"We tend to argue a lot, she's kinda a brat if im totally honest. Still love her though."

Michiko Hamamoto | Biological Mother

"I don't really know my biological mom. Though someday it would be pretty nice to get to know her."

Name | Relationship

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