Stuffed Toy Hospital!



3 years, 2 months ago


Welcome! How can we help you? This here is Stuffed Toy Hospital, and just like it’s name, it’s a hospital for stuffed toys! Is your stuffed toy ripped, torned, or barely recognizable? Just register here, and we’ll treat your toys ’till they are good as new!

When Lola was still a young girl, kids and parents would go to Lola to have their stuffed toys repaired. Repairing toys was one of her hobbies, she really liked sewing and seeing other kids happy when they see their toys fixed makes her happy too. Having a toy hospital was always Lola’s dream, though back she saw it as nothing but a silly goal, so she never really tried to actually achive it.

Years later has passed and during Lola’s retirement and not much to do, Lola decided to buy a small shop building at Littlewild, and make it a stuffed toy hospital. It was a place where folks can drop their toys and Lola would repair them. She pretty much do them for free, not need to pay. What matters to her is treating her patients ’till they are well again so they reunite with their owners!

psttt hospital closes on mondays, thursdays and red calendar dates