Umeda Shoma



2 years, 11 months ago



Name Shoma Umeda
Age 34
Gender M
Height 5'11 / 180cm
Weight ???
Occupation Detective
Birthday March 5th
Demeanor Curious, proud

❝ This city's full of bad people. Murders, kidnappings, theft, this stuff happens every. Single. Day. Maybe the ends have to justify the means if we want to keep everyone safe.❞

Umeda Shoma is an OC in the Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku universe. As a detective in the Organized Crime Division of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, he's conducting a personal investigation into one of the highest-earning families of the Tojo Clan.

Umeda stands tall with great posture even when he's alone. He insists on keeping his hair and stubble nice and neat, and can often be seen adjusting himself or cleaning his glasses. His deep, brown eyes are usually contorted into a thoughtful squint as he picks his brain over his latest case. He's typically seen in a white dress shirt and aegean-blue tie, but will wear a black athletic jacket from his track and field days when its cool out, or even a full suit when the situation calls for one. He usually wears dark navy blue dress slacks and black dress shoes.

Umeda's demeanor isn't the most welcoming, but he's far from rude. However, he's not afraid to speak his mind if it'll help him meet a deadline or get a needed testimony. He has a strong sense of right and wrong, and while he's willing to brush some of his own doings aside in the moment, it'll still weigh on his mind.


  • organization
  • coffee
  • alone time
  • classical music


  • loud/obnoxious people
  • distractions
  • hot weather
  • losing


Umeda's response to an absent father was to throw himself into his schooling and extracurriculars, a strategy that paid off well as he was easily accepted into the police academy. As he continued to flourish, he set his sights on the Organized Crime division.

His promotion to detective was earned with blood and sweat, but the celebration was hampered by an ex-colleague's attempt at sabotage. A leaked document revealed that Umeda's father, who he had long since written off entirely, is a yakuza patriarch affiliated with the Tojo Clan. This fact was one Umeda admitted to early in his hiring process when it was agreed it should be kept on a need-to-know basis. The buzz around the news was almost larger than the news itself, and Umeda was instantly alienated amongst his new peers. His self-driven nature pushed him through, but even as the years passed and those around him moved on, Umeda didn't forget. He witnessed so many acts of corruption and gross justice as his career progressed that he still cannot reconcile the blatant disregard for the rules with how quickly those he trusted were ready to make allegations against his character that he'd spent every day of his life improving.

Current Day

Umeda started his career in the force with a strong sense of justice and dedication to the cause, but the underlying distrust due to his familial ties and red tape choking any sense of progress slowly pushes him to bend the rules to solve cases. He's currently tasked with investigating a group of masked robbers who routinely victimize smaller businesses in Kamurocho, but in his free time he's spearheaded his own personal investigation into the Ishikawa Family, rumored to use various money-laundering schemes to strengthen their position as one of the top earning families in the Tojo Clan. It is his belief that he can bring them down, and in doing so earn the reputation he deserves.



Bittersweet  ∙  Fuel

On My Own  ∙  Travis Barker, Corey Taylor

Saturday Savior  ∙  Failure

Lie  ∙  Black Light Burns

New Low  ∙  Middle Class Rut


  • Umeda irritates easily and appreciates time to calm down in peace.
  • Has had some of his greatest case breakthroughs over an order of takoyaki and/or a bottle of vodka.
  • Despite being a cop, firearms make Umeda terribly uncomfortable, though he'd never admit it.



Date Makoto

Date isn't the best mentor a fledgeling detective could ask for, but Umeda owes a lot to the years the two have worked together. He's retained his habit of going to him for advice on current cases and won't shy away from a few drinks to gossip about the department's latest happenings.


Yoshihara Beckett ( raineykit)

Umeda's initially unsure about Yoshi-san, finding his demeanor frustrating and his work ethic suspicious, though his fellow detective's rough-around-the-edges style starts to show its appeal after Umeda's investigations continue to suffer one setback after another.

code by 00Ishikawa00