Alma de la Rosa



2 years, 11 months ago


Name Alma de La Rosa

Age 27

Birthday February 14th

Nickname Chihua, Alice

Gender Male

Species Human

Height 5'6

Orientation Demisexual

Occupation Freeloader


  • Demian
  • Smal and cute things
  • The dark

  • His past
  • Nosy people
  • Mirrors

  • Androgynous appearance, wears anything that looks good on him
  • Several scars here and there, his face is the most evident. Covers his mouth with a face mask.
  • Spoiled endlessly by Demian, inevitably lazy due to this
I can't go back to yesterday, I was a different person then

Frivolous and easy going, Alma is a character who's attitude does not give hints to the life he's lead yet his scars are the most striking thing about his appearance. Stuck in a toxic relationship at 15, he went through various stages of drug addiction and abuse until finally breaking free thanks to Demian, who nurtured and showed him care that he's never experienced himself.

[Personality] A character who's always smiling, he can display quite the witty and snarky attitude when tested but all in all he's spoiled rotten by his love. He's generally lazy and likes to take things at his own pace. Shedding a lot of his past toxicity, he's shown more caring sides to those outside of himself and Demian, giving his own share of advice when asked and helping when he sees fit.

Demian Dating

His savior, the one man that gave him a chance to start a new life despite his horrible sins and actions. Alma whole heartedly believes he's the reason why he's alive today. Wants to show Demian all the fun and amazing things in life neither could experience

Kaname Ex Lover

Fear and love, things he outgrew for the man who corrupted him. Their relationship was anything but happy and he's the reason for Alma's face scars. Though sometimes Alma can't help but wonder- had he not met Kaname, would he have met Demian?

Hoe-Joon Besties

Nice Friend>