


3 years, 2 months ago


Current age: Many. Very much.

Gender: Male

Race:  The Deity

Setting: Watchmakers

Brief Information:

- A deity. It is considered the weakest of the three existing ones. It is mainly responsible for nature and plants in the world.
- This is the most good-natured god. He often goes down to ordinary people and walks among the locals in a strange guise. Sometimes it can get stuck with people for a long time, which is why they lose Florentz.. He himself loses track of time while admiring all his creations.
- Because of his mercy, the other gods laugh at him.
- Florenz is very fond of people and flowers. Flowers from their own gardens are often brought to temples for this deity. People also believe that if you have a large and beautiful garden, then God will definitely hear you and help you. Florenz really sometimes comes to other people's gardens and can help with problems.
- Careless and frivolous. He finds very little time for real affairs.
- Loves simplicity and naturalness.. Therefore, his outfit is quite simple. If it were not for the rules of people, then he would go naked at all.