Raimtarach (Raim)



6 years, 10 months ago



gender/species: her/they/it | demon
age: old af
- in a chronic state of confusion about anything and everything
- has a constant face of confusion (only varies with different levels of confusion)
- is a quiet individual who speaks very softly
- seems to always be mumbling under her breath; questioning why she or someone/something else is doing what she is/they are doing
- gives off a slight melancholy aura
- walks with a very smooth, fluid gait.
- seems very passive about others actions and intentions
Raim info
- Currently, Rain inhabits an old manor and vigorously maintains it as its maid.
- It is unkown how or why the manor came to be Raim's official home.
- She rarely leaves the manor unless a good enough reason prompts her to.
- Raim is lowkey very protective of the manor as it is her dwelling place.
- Rain spends most of her time and effort in the manor's greenhouse.
- Raim both takes care of the regular greenhouse and the greenhouse that resides in Raim's parallel realm.
- Raim will use her long hair to hide her horns when she's in any other realm, but will occasionally let it down when tending to her "flesh" greenhouse.
- She usually hides her horns as some of those she meets tend to get spooked by her horns.

Manor and greenhouse info
- It's supposed that the skeleton of the manor's owner is still resting in his armchair in front of a constantly lit fireplace.
- In Raim's parallel realm(can also be called the "demon world"), the greenhouse's vegetation consists of plants constructed out of flesh and bone.
- The plants of flesh and bone are fully functional but can only be described as grotesque mockeries of regular plant life
- The "flesh" greenhouse is the reason why Raim always has blood on her outfit.