(Ka'rat) Ignacio [Dechiyen]



6 years, 10 months ago


Ignacio (Iggy) has had to live it rough for most of his youth.   His mother was a Tribal woman from the Savages and his father a Soldier in the Daelahelm army.  They met in the wilderness and made a family together in the forests that boarder the south side of the Western Capital City. 

Whilst protecting the family, his father was killed, and a few years later, his mother died from an illness, leaving Iggy and his twin sister Bella alone to fend for themselves. Quickly, Iggy taught himself to steal in order to continue affording the medicine his sister needed to live. 

Iggy is strong in Fire Magic, however, it is sometimes beyond even his own control, leading to him burning himself, his bed, and his sister when he is having nightmares.  High anxiety triggers the core flames to burn, often resulting in ash coming off his hands. 

To make matters more uncomfortable, Iggy was nearly caught stealing by two bounty hunters. When Bella unknowingly befriended one of the bounty hunters, they fought about his life of crime resulting in Bella disappearing.  Ignacio still does not know if she is alive, or dead, or if she ran or was kidnapped.   Around the same time, a notoriously bad guy, Miko, liked the potential he saw in Iggy and hired him to be an errand boy for him. 

Despite these bad things though, Iggy now attends school.  He has made close friends and even helped in the founding of a vigilante group known as C.A.S.T. whom, at first only helped with small jobs and assisting people, but now fight larger criminal groups and assist in volunteer work after Verasii attacks and terrorist strikes.