Miki Shimizu



3 years, 2 months ago


Name: Miki (御木) Shimizu (清水)

Age: 26

Gender/Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Grey-Asexual

Height: 5’6’’

Race: Human

Special Abilities: Miki has the ability to grant objects life, thus turning them into tsukumogami. Along with that he has the ability to give power to ofuda and dabbles in the practices of kotodama. And while not an expert, Miki is able to prove himself with the sword.

Alignment: Neutral-Good

Motives/Goals: Miki looks to protect his lands as well as to serve his people as best he can by offering them divination, purification, and acting as a link to the gods. 

Quick Summary of Them!: Miki has honey-blond hair that hangs just about his shoulders when down, but he often wears it pulled up into a ponytail at the back of his head. He has vivid blue eyes that are very expressive. Under his eyes he paints ceremonial symbols for certain rituals he performs. His ears are pierced and he is never seen without earrings of some sort. He dresses in traditional Japanese clothing, particularly a kimono/hakama combo or the kariginu. He is partial to wearing blues, reds, whites, and greens. Miki is slender but can handle himself in a fight when necessary.

From a young age, Miki was indoctrinated into the Shinto priesthood. He studied long and hard in order to ready himself to take on his own shrine. As an adult now, he is the head priest of a major shrine that oversees a large domain. He uses his powers and mystic abilities to protect it as well as grant its inhabitants a bountiful, peaceful life.

Personality: He is a very trusting person. He always believes in the best of everyone. That being said, he has been called benevolent and compassionate. Miki always puts what is best for his people and loved ones before himself. He is optimistic and usually cheerful. But when angered, he is fierce and passionate. Miki has many hobbies; gardening, reading, and composing poetry among them. 

Strengths: His spiritual abilities, his swordsmanship, public speaking, compassion

Weaknesses : A bit sheltered, can be overly trusting, spiritually sensitive, overusing his spiritual abilities leaves his exhausted

Likes: Spring, moon and flower viewing parties, local festivals, senbei, cold soba noodles, green tea in all its varieties, 

Dislikes: Seeing loved ones suffer, being treated like a figure head or like he’s stupid, being looked down on or underestimated, barley tea, natto, wasabi peas

Origin Realm: Earth, specifically Japan 

You have 100 points! Pls end your numbers in 0 or 5

Speed: 5

Attack: 5

Sp. Attack: 20

Defense: 5

Sp. Defense: 15

Hp: 5

Dexterity: 10

Intelligence: 10

Wisdom (Perception & Insight): 15

Charisma: 10

