Faye's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Tigerliler12 Global Rules

Adopt rules

While bidding

You cannot delete or remove your bid if you are the highest bid. The only exception is if you have a valid reason to why you cannot pay🐳

no refunds unless you have a really good reason 🐳

Reply to the highest bidder or I will warn you and notify the other bidder they were passed.🐋

You must read my whole tos about adopts before you can own the adopt🐳

When bidding you must follow the sb, mi, and ab🐋

in your comment put any food emoji/ word to show that you have read my TOS🐋

If you win an adopt of mine:

( rules apply to freebies too.)

Do not resell for a higher price unless you have bought more art for them🐳

please ask before reselling/ retrading! (please ask before trading for art/customs too) 🐋

do not claim that you designed/drew my adopt🐳 (credit me)

you can change the design but they have to still be recognizable🐋

Please ask before using the character for commercial use 🐳

When commissioning me

You cannot claim that my artwork is yours🐋

Please credit me if you use it as your profile pic, background, etc🐳

Be patient while I'm drawing your artwork because I have a busy life🐋