


2 years, 11 months ago


Name Sparrowpaw

Past names Sparrowkit, Socks

Prefix meaning His short stature

Suffix meaning His rank

Age 1.25 years (15 moons)

D.O.B April 9 2020

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Height Slightly above average

Build A bit lanky

Clan Shadowclan

Rank Apprentice


Sexuality Heterosexual



Mature • Loyal • Sarcastic • Quick to make assumptions

Sparrowpaw has changed quite a lot from his old self. His seperation from the clans for so long made him gain much more maturity and made him more down to earth, although there are some bonkers beliefs from his younger self that he still keeps. He's a bit aloof, and isn't really aware of a lot of what's going in the clans. He's not very social at all and barely ever talks to anyone to the point of being surprised when others try to speak to him. He's extremely loyal, to the point of actually being a bit concerning. He would absolutely never betray anyone who he's close to, and also he's very loyal to his clan leader, Dawnstar and would be willing to do anything for her. He's kind of a grump, especially when's he tired or just having a bad day. He becomes much more sarcastic and rude and even more prone to making very quick and kind of innacurate assumptions about other cats.








Sparrowpaw was born as Sparrow in the outskirts to his mother, Ivy, a former Shadowclan she-cat. His father was never really around, though. Sparrow had two other littermates and for a while life for the small family went well, with Ivy being a caring, good mother, only occasionally leaving to get food and there being no real predators around. Until came the incident. One day, when Ivy was away hunting, a fox came upon their den and tried to eat the kits. Luckily, a warrior apprentice who had wandered a bit too far from Shadowclan territory stumbled upon the scene and the kits...well, actually, only Sparrow had survived; for the others it had been too late. The apprentice decided to bring back the surviving kit to Shadowclan, where he was soon taken in by Crowskip, one of the queens, and was renamed to Sparrowkit. Sparrowkit had barely any memories of his past life, so for a while he believed Crowskip was his actual mother. But one day, when he was 1 moon old, he realized that Crowskip wasn't actually his biological mother, leaving him to wonder for a while who his actual parents were and where he had truly come from. This didn't actually bother him very much, and when Crowskip had a litter, he swore to be the best big brother to the new kits he could be despite not being biologically related to them. And the came the attack by Windclan. After Shadowclan attacked Windclan, they decided to retaliate by attacking Shadowclan camp. The kits and queens had been evacuated to the Waterbarn, but sadly Riverclan leader Lionstar had set fire to the Waterbarn with the cats inside. Everyone assumed it was Windclan though, and when Sparrowkit woke up and discovered his adoptive siblings were dead a deep hatred for Windclan spawned inside of him that he still holds to this day.


Not long after the burning of the Waterbarn and Shadowclan having to find a new camp, Sparrowkit got made into an apprentice. He was given the name Sparrowpaw and got Buckspring as his mentor. Buckspring was a kind, extroverted and friendly mentor with a love for flowercrowns, but he didn't get to train Sparrowpaw much before leaving Shadowclan due to Dawnstar.




  • He has gone through a few design changes since his creation. He was originally a dark ginger tabby with white paws and freckles and green eyes, before become a chimera and then a tortoiseshell before reverting back to his old design.
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He's kind of their overprotective supportive older brother. He loves his sibling very much and would do anything to protect them. They have a pretty good relationship with eachother despite their differences.


He's not yet really sure what to think of her, but he atleast doesn't hate her. He actually kind of finds her a bit amusing, and overall they have an okay relationship with eachother.


He absolutely hates Shrewstep, even more than he does any average Blackhaze relative. He sees him as a traitor and imposter, who has been tricking his clan and who wants to destroy it. He does feel a strange, kind of messed up, power over him as he knows that at any time he could reveal the thing about the traitors and Shrewstep to Dawnstar and possibly ruin his life.