
2 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:



Male (he/him)


young adult


Crow Dragon


none yet

Creation Date:

September 1st 2022


A Dragon, a race of demihumans associated with fire and allegedly the most powerful beings in the world. Zil is discontent with his lifestyle but unsure (and admittedly a little unwilling) to leave the comfort of being worshipped by humanity. He's currently serving his obligate child soldier governing? time?? he's basically an intern as a part of a group of Dragons managing and being served by a township of humans. it's extremely, extremely uncomfortable for him socially and morally.

Trying to find some breathing room for himself, Zil stumbles upon Rhion trapped and in need of aid, and, thinking he's a Centaur and not a Merfolk, helps him out. Dragons and Merfolk are famously enemies and after Rhion's tail is unearthed, the encounter takes a nosedive. Zil can't shake his curiosity though and continually searches Rhion out again until they form an uneasy friendship truce and start hanging out in secret as a chance to decompress from their respective shitty lifestyles. Zil's attitude about it is flippant and he's frankly pretty rude to Rhion at first, but he's the one who keeps initiating...

Zil is snobbish, vain, and a little self-centered, but he's uncomfortable deep down with how he's treated and the expectations upon him. He struggles a lot with self-image and kinda just doesnt want to be perceived.

Social Connections

Rhion - allegedly, friends.

World Context

Lore coming soon!

> none yet

> WIP trivia <3

> none of note yet

|| Favorite Art || Primary Ref / COLORS COMING SOWWY  ||

Primary Notes
> long ears. dont be a coward
> hair is cut in square ribbons at an angle in the back - please only refer to this one for his hair the other two are tests!!!
> wings have three talons (2 fingies and a thumb) and two sets of primaries - refer to this sketch
> tail is feathered in two opposite directions at the base of his tail and at the spade. this is aesthetically on purpose

> LOTS of piercings i can help u find em all if needed

Other Stuff
> densely built shortstack. small upper half; has big ole raptor kaiju legs and a dumptruck ass
> beast form is a tiny little crow "dragon" lol

Zil is grouchy and spoilt, but uncomfortably so and is antsy about it. He's very high-strung and has trouble relaxing.