Maisie Kinsman



2 years, 11 months ago


TW SUICIDE "This Ghostie was loved by many, her smile made everyone else smile, her eyes shined wherever she turned to look and her heart was kinder than an angel's. She loved going around and helping in parties, she wasn't there to party but was there to help decorate. Ghostie's creativity and imagination is wider than any other. All this traits made Ghostie loved by many but, all good things come with an exchange of bad. Ghostie was envied by many as well, they compared themselves to her and couldn't help but feel insecure with her attractive traits. Such people exists in the world, people who will do anything they can just to be above others and so they did. Ghostie's life started to fall apart when rumors started to spread about her, of course rumors were never true, not everyone believed this but a lot still did. Rumors weren't enough, she was accused of things she never even did. With all of these going on, Ghostie could no longer take it, she did what she thought would set her free, with a rope tied to a wood she ended her life. People heard what happened and only now did they feel guilty of what they've done. Guilt is always at the end and it will forever haunt you. Ghostie's soul roamed the earth, wrapped around with fairy lights that symbolizes the beauty of her heart and creativity or her mind, her ghost figure gives the same appearance as the aurora, because she was gorgeous inside and out." - Creator