


3 years, 2 months ago




34 Male Panther ✦ Heterosexual

"Exquisitely painful isn't it? Not being sure who you love and who loves you?"


With an outward appearance of a handsome and charming, middle-aged panther, Ares for the most part acts as such but below his toothy smile and piercing eyes, he is cold and manipulative. Seducing and courting his way towards his goals, before eventually becoming bored and throwing his toys away.

Despite his past, Ares has found himself in-love with someone who has snaked her way into his cold heart.


Grey Body with a darker appearance on his head and shoulders. His stomach is a lighter colour, which fades down his thighs. Spots decorate parts of his face, upper body, hips and feet. His tail is a lot silkier and fluffier than his body (Not a typical panther tail).

  • Aphrodite
  • Late Nights
  • Clubs
  • Rain
  • BDSM
  • Family Gatherings
  • His Father
  • Talkative People
  • Heat
  • Desmond


Growing up in quite a rich background, one might have thought that Ares had it all but he did not. With a mother who had passed away when he was a child and a father who looked down upon him in disappointment and hatred until his death, Ares grew up looking after himself.  

He drowned himself in clubs, drugs, and sex, attempting to feel alive after years of neglect and being used until his heart froze over and he stopped seeking the feeling. He went about his life, using his money and charm to his advantage until one evening in one of the city's more bustling clubs, he had a chance encounter with Aphrodite. Her eyes fell upon him and it felt like fire ripped through his body. 

Lovers in a different life. Two souls seeking each other out, yearning for comfort once more. But as fate would have it, Aphrodite had already been engaged towards another. Her being belonging to someone whom she did not love. Caged in a loveless relationship which she had been threatened into.

Value: $25


Ares' secret lover. 

He is most loyal towards her, acting possessive over her at times but spoils her in gifts to express his love for her. He urges for her to break it off with her current fiance, unbeknownst to him that she is being forced into her engagement by her own parents.


Coming Soon. 


Coming Soon.

profile html by Hukiolukio