


2 years, 11 months ago


Marsh'a'rak Alema 

     Last name was a rename, meaning protector in twi'leki. The name came from her close friend before she passed away while Alema was 25. Zun was also much referred to as 'Mash' as a nickname.

34 years,  44BBY-11BBY.

 Theelin/ Wroonian

 Feminine Gendered . She/They/He/Zun 

Queer, Rejects labels


 Born in Caamas 

 Lived Primarily in Empress Teta, has lived in between itself and Denon through his life 

Taught basic education by his mother, Taught self a couple languages.

     Galactic Basic, Twi'leki, Durese, Rodese

 Mother was Theelin, father Wroonian, father left at a young age and mother out of contact (lived past Marsh'a'raks death), also has a sister.

Jumped around with occupations. 

     Selling art, preforming in bars, sex work, Street art, general offered art. She often lived with others, took many risky or less legal paths to avoid having to pay too much for her livings, She would also resort to stealing, or having people pay to take her on dates, sugar daddies, a bar staff member, etc.

    Mash was always dressed in pleasing colors, and outfits that would evade basic or overly casual looks. She loved following the artistic ideas and creative processes, especially of her people. While he didn't much like her mother often, she would pick up small crafts from his mother, like knitting and crochet, making rugs, making quilts, and some painting techniques. As a young child zun would dream of being part of Miss Theelin, both to model and create the looks. Along with it, they would often incorporate parts of his spirituality in their looks, art and actions. There would be many times that you'd see her decorated with detailing, jewelry, items, or generally incorporating political, spiritual, or general ideas in their art.

     Being a free, flowing being with much freedom and a loud voice, while being able to be whoever and do whatever he pleased was the main ideals of his life. Zun revolved around being a free being, and would often make political art. She was very clearly a suppourter of the fighters against the separatists, but made it clear this was not in favour of a side (the Republic), but more being in support of those who would fight to end restrictions of freedoms, constricting a flow of life as created, or claiming land, people, and items that were not to be theirs. She would sometimes dream of getting a clone helmet to create into another art piece, and to represent a fighting spirit before order 66. By the end of the order, she would retreat to Denon with some friends, including Tarn Krena'll. Mash was shocked and enraged like the rest in the immediate moments of the event, but knew that zun could not do anything significant as an individual, allowing herself to join who he knew to leave the core worlds. 

     Upon leaving the core worlds, she began a life reflecting less of a city one. He would more often do more formal work like some labour, scrapping on addition to some of her previous work. While they kept their dreams to improvement and freedom in the galaxy, the drastic change would somewhat depress them. He would convert to less radical ideas, sinking back into the background to simply live, struggling a little bit with her spirituality. Any word from rebels against the new Empire would exite them, keeping their hopes up, but after the fall of the Republic, zuns ideas would become more realistic. Dreaming of joining a resistance would be in mind, but would be more dull. This wouldn't stop some more politically fueled and inspired art and life choices from Mash, but also, much duller to avoid any issues on a personal level with the Empire's local counterparts. As life went on for Mash, the young fire in them would fade, while much remained the same in work and such. She would sometimes end up in different star systems, mainly moving with Tarn, as they'd become tied close. After a breakout of an illness, Tarn eventually died on Exodeen. After all of the excitement, Marsh eventually grew tired of the same life without their closest friend, and Eventually made her way back to their primary home-like planet of Princess Teta. 

     On Princess Teta, They converted to a more normal life, still sometimes inspried by ideas of rebellion. He eventually got a job as a bar staff member, like an echo of older jobs, with better, more regular pay. For this she stayed a while, somewhat peaceful and more normal seeming than early life. Zun eventually died in that very bar, having been shot after trying to defend another staff member from an Imperial-hired bounty hunter, who provoked a fight after the staff member denied a date with him, after he'd been acting creepy. She was honored by the person she stayed with by an old style first generation designed clone helmet.