
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: July 6th
Height: 4' 10"
Merform Height: 5' 11"
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Blue
Tail Color: Blue
Sexual Preference: Straight
Job: Idol, Singer/Musician
Loves: Singing, Her fans, Lemon-Flavored Konpeito
Hates: Autophobia, Cold Vegetables, Being made fun of publicly

   Eimi is a mermaid born and raised in Ryugu-jo but not to a rather comforting family. She was often an orphan, and one seemingly neglected by many families. But soon she was adopted by a single mother who was a former singer. She gave her a warm and loving small home despite her busy day jobs and occasional late-night gigs. Inspired by this, Eimi began wanting to sing and started practicing her singing voice. When her mother found out, she began giving her lessons in between her teachings and her mother's work life. 

   Around 12 years old is when she began singing more publicly, her singing voice to many was pretty good though some thought it could use some work. Eimi and her mother were soon approached by a record label and asked if she could become a singer under their label. Both she and her mother seemed excited and agreed to it, and Eimi was now an idol, though at first just in training. As Eimi had to get some lessons to improve her vocals.

   Now, she's a medium size idol that has had her works circulate outside of the merkingdom. She tries to keep upbeat and happy feels going while her mother helps ground her in reality and reminds her to keep having fun. Recently she ended up getting a pet dolphin to match the dolphin look she likes to have on stage (though only the mother knows it just her natural hair). Right now, she just hopes to have a fun time and to make people's day better.